Sheila Brushed

If you’re in Newfoundland, you probably spent last weekend bemoaning Sheila’s Brush. If you’re not from Newfoundland, you’re probably wondering, ‘what’s Shelia’s Brush’?

Colloquially, Sheila’s Brush is a final winter storm, late in the season, sometimes even in what we’d like to consider Spring – which is what we got this past weekend. I just did a little research and learned that historically, Sheila was considered the wife of St. Patrick, and a storm was expected around St. Paddy’s Day. Lots of Newfoundlanders wouldn’t consider it safely ‘summer’ – an important distinction when going out to sea – until after a final such storm.

Regardless, this picture was was taken by local talent and friend, Albert Legge (see other of Albert’s shots here and here) this past Sunday, a day after our Sheila’s Brush. Look closely and you can see our house (the bigger yellow building) and our 3 little cottages closeby. Hard to be mad at Sheila when she leaves such vistas in her wake!

3 Replies to “Sheila Brushed”

  1. That’s a beautiful picture. Nice to see how your place fits into the scenery ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Yes indeed it does look like a calendar shot ! ๐Ÿ™‚ You have posted some pretty amazing pictures that you took though…keep ’em coming ๐Ÿ™‚

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