As you may have already read, we’ve been updating our cottages, making them more our ‘own,’ and that has meant new furniture. Which of course also has meant a basement full of old furniture not being used. In steps the Heart’s Delight – Islington Volunteer Fire Department, who took all 4 truck and 2 trailer-loads to use for their fire training house, which they use for real-life training. Any extra will be given to those in need in the area.
We had a ball moving all the furniture as we got to meet some local firemen. What a great bunch of people out here! Then on Saturday, we celebrated Joe’s birthday with close friends and family and a marshmallow roast – a 2om to 2am type affair, so lots of fun! And again, the local firemen were involved, this time delivering 12 roast beef dinners as part of a fundraising campaign. At $7 a pop and really delicious, we were happy to oblige! It was a wonderful weekend, I hope yours was too, and Happy Birthday once again to Joe (who’s doing it right in this picture – wine in one hand, cake in the other!)