Last Day with K

On our last day with Kathryn (who lives on Galiano Island, not in Victoria), she gave us a tour of the Victoria Flying Club‘s flying school, where she has 15 of the 200 hours she needs to get her commercial pilot’s license. She’ll be flying high then, but for now she’s grounded unless she’s with an instructor (phew for now, says me! it’s not a small thing to imagine your youngest daughter flying a plane!). I tried to drop hints that Gander might be a good place to finish her program- if only because then I’d at least have one daughter in the same province as me!

Needless to say, Kathryn is excited about this new venture. I was hoping to see a takeoff but logistically it didn’t work out this trip. But you can see video on her blog of one such takeoff. It’s pretty awesome.

We had a great lunch at the school’s cafe, hugged and kissed, leaving us wondering when we will see each other again and thankful for Skype. WWV (Wonderful World of Victoria) and my WWW (Wonderful World of Whiteway) are so far apart – there’s a continent between them – and I’m cherishing every moment I get with my family while it lasts.

Now The Berry and I are enjoying our last few days – rainy weather be damned – but also looking forward to getting back to our cottages, back to work, and back to our first busy summer season.

2 Replies to “Last Day with K”

  1. Aahh Jerry, this is so great! You must be so proud of Kathyrn and your other two beautiful daughters.So happy you both enjoyed your trip and wishing you a safe journey home.Just think…The Beautiful WWW and your amazing cottages await your return!

  2. rainy weather? I see blue skies in those photos. It never rains on VI. Well, except for today. Great night last night. Hope you found your way back to the wharf okay, and didn’t fall overboard.

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