Special Guests

My life as Happy Innkeeper around the bay is a big change for me, and, as last weekend made clear, a happy one. The Berry and I are so grateful for this new career that lets us meet and interact with guests on a personal level, helping to share our love for this province and often learning something ourselves in the process.

This was certainly the case last weekend, when we had the pleasure of welcoming Les and Gwen Nicolls to The Puffin. Les has Parkinson’s disease combined with CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy), a rare disorder of the peripheral nerves characterized by gradually increasing weakness of the legs and, to a lesser extent, the arms – this rare combination is attacking his body. But Les is a super man, Gwen is a saint, and they are facing the disease as one – always with smiles, as they push their wheelchair up a mountain that no one wants to climb.

This was Les and Gwen’s third trip to Newfoundland, and we wanted to take them out to Shag Rock on our boat. But there was lots working against us – a forecast calling for high winds for the balance of their stay, Les in a wheelchair, and me still an amateur boater.

Then Alf Harnum, 45 year veteran of the high seas and my guardian angel, showed up. I told him what we were hoping to do, and he dropped what he was doing and volunteered to captain the A Wake at Last. Thank God for that.

We went to Shag Rock and around Whiteway Bay in the hands of an expert. Les tapped and clapped to the Newfoundland music with a smile on his face the whole time. He and Gwen were one; his happiness flowed through her as well. Alf captained in style and we hardly got a drop of water on us despite all the waves all around us.

CIDP and Parkinson’s is a terrible affliction, but Les and Gwen are champions. They have made our commitment to Ocean Delight one of gratitude to be able to meet such heroes. They truly love Newfoundland and we love them. We now have a connection that will not be broken.

Please say a prayer for Les and Gwen on their journey.

8 Replies to “Special Guests”

  1. This is my far, your best blog ever!!!I am profoundly heart-warmed! These two people, are as you say, true CHAMPIONS!!! What amazing guests and what amazing hosts! The extraordinary dignity, courage and enthusiam for life of these two people who have such a cross to carry is inspirational!. There is a lesson here for us all! Many, many prayers & well wishes for Mr. Len & Mrs. Gwen, as they they continue their life journey! May they return many times to the wonderful Ocean Delight Cottages and to their new, equally as wonderful hosts! God Bless!

  2. What a great blog and great to see my friends Gwen and Les having such a great time. Her stories of their travels are so descriptive and now I can see the pictures that fit the words. Knowing there are such great people out there like you and your friends and family, who care for my friends, makes me want to visit!!! I hope that will be in my future someday. I agree with you, Gwen and Les are truly committed to each other and their laughter and sense of playfulness is contageous.

    1. Thank you so much for you comments. We hope a visit is in your future, too – we love sharing the magic of this special place! Any friends of Gwen and Les are friends of ours! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. I am Les’s aunt Elaine, yes, Les is a very special person as is Gwen, thank you so much for showing them such a great time during their stay.

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