Tuesdays with Murphy: Walking Trail Business

My humans insist on taking me to Jimmy Rowe’s Walking Trail whenever they get the chance. I still don’t know who Jimmy is, but I don’t complain – the trail is pretty and involves a lake, so what’s not to like? Plus, Jerry and The Berry get so happy when they get a bit of “free time” (I don’t know what that means, either – I’m always free to play, even on my leash!) that we have lots of fun.

They also find it so funny when I stop at this, ahem, fire hydrant to do my business. They had to take a picture of me next to it, calling it Murphy’s Rock. I have no idea why – can you enlighten me?

2 Replies to “Tuesdays with Murphy: Walking Trail Business”

  1. Thank you Murphy, I can always count on you to brighten my Tuesday. I bet you make your humans very happy!!! I was wondering, how is your friend doing, I believer her name is Devon? Have fun on the beach & in the water!

    1. You’re welcome Maureen, and thank you for remembering Devon. She’s good – I don’t see her nearly enough! I have lots of cottage guests to keep me company though!

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