Fish on a Line

Now here is a sight that, once so common, is now quite rare – salted fish being dried on a clothesline! I am loving this period of the food fishery around the bay. Fresh cod is everywhere! And salt fish is one of my favourites, and a Newfoundland specialty. In fact, it was salt cod that drove the fishing trade so many hundreds of years ago.

As I’ve been writing, we’ve been out on the A Wake at Last fishing until our Heart’s Delight (or is that, until our daily quota is filled!). We are giving our catch to guests. We package it up in a baggie with flour so that all the guest has to do is to add salt and pepper, shake the fish in the flour, and fry it in butter or margarine.

Of course, it’s a big hit to eat fresh fish within hours of catching it. And talk about ‘local’ – our guests can look out their front window and see where we caught it!