The Wind!

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Here’s a first for Jerry by the Sea – I’m letting our guest, Chuck take the wheel. That’s because he sent me a video of yesterday’s storm, with a caption attached …. and I think he sums up what it was like better than I do! Chucks’s an engineer turned dentist, with obviously a whole lot of writer in him.

Anyway, enough from me – I hope you all weathered the storm, and here’s Chuck’s email (with a big thanks!):

“Surf is up!  Leslie has turned into just a lot of wind, but it is atomizing the tops of the white caps and sending sheets of salt spray racing across the bay at speeds of 60-70 mph.  The noise is not deafening, but it is like the alternating sounds of a banshee and the moaning whine of a flock of jet planes at treetop level, but not directly overhead.  I tried to step out on the porch to take a photo, got my shot after some wrestling with the railing.  When I grabbed the door knob to come back in, realized I had been blown to the next cabin downwind.  By getting down low and clawing my way back, grabbing fists full of grassy clumps, I did return to our cabin.  Not sure the photo was worth it; it would be so much more meaningful if you could experience it in person.  I will send this and you can be the judge…”

So now you be the judge – Chuck could do his own blog, couldn’t he!

4 Replies to “The Wind!”

  1. Miss you guys and the ocean. Loved the video, great job Chuck. Wish we were there, can’t wait to go back. Hope all is well there. ps we also miss murphy, iris and don

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