All We Can Say Is – THANK YOU!

I asked Murphy if we could postpone his post for the day, and he was all too happy to oblige – because I have some special news to announce. And that is, thanks to all your votes (and all your patience with me soliciting them!), our humble little blog has won a 2012 Canadian Blog Award, in our category of Best Business or Professional Life Blog.

I’ve been blessed in my professional life to have won a few accolades, but few can compete with this honour. Writing everyday and sharing the Wonderful World of Whiteway has become a passion, and to have your votes and your support and to know that you enjoy what I do means the world. I’m also very grateful to The Berry for her input and help in getting these posts up – it’s my face you see on here everyday, but Ocean Delight is in every way truly a 2-person effort. And of course, my co-blogger, Murphy, wants to thank you, too. I need to double check – I think I may be the only Newfoundlander to win this year, but I know Murphy is the only dog to!

And stay tuned ….. to thank everyone for voting, we’re going to be rolling out a little contest (and a new website!) in the coming days.

26 Replies to “All We Can Say Is – THANK YOU!”

    1. Congratulations Laurelyn, Gerry, Joe and Murphy for a job well done. You certainly worked very hard and deserved to win. One can only vote if the product is worthy and it is for sure. Enjoy your blog every day. It has also become a highlight for me as well specially since I am looking forward to visiting in 2013. Thanks for your efforts.

  1. Well done Gerry – but don’t forget you must share the prize with your neighbors! Stephen

  2. That is just great…I knew you would could you not because it is the most wonderful blog!! Love it..look forward to it each day! Great job guys…very proud of you all!! Ocean Delight Cottages are awesome, a perfect spot for the three R’s… Rest, Relaxation & Romance and you guys make it even more a treasured location..add Murphy to the mix & you have perfection!!! Miss you today btw Murphy but completely understand your to decision to postpone…your humans have a lot to be proud too!!!!

    1. The three Rs, love it – so true! Thank as always for your lovely comments and support, Maureen. I know you did a lot to promote the contest, too.

  3. Excellent Jerry… Nice win! Congrats… We voted and saw your lead at the time… Your blog is great and deserves the win it received.

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