The Berry’s Birthday

Celebrating a birthday at our newfoundland cottage rentals

We recently celebrated Laurelyn’s 49th (again) birthday.  Her son, Adrian, and I cooked brunch yesterday – waffles, moose sausages, bacon, and ham, and all the fixins. It was quite the meal, as we celebrated family and blessings.

Later we took Murphy, Friday (our new golden retriever!), and Rosie for a walk at The Doctor’s House, again revelling in our many blessings.

We finished the night with dinner at the Shag it – a wonderful place designed by The Berry, and more to celebrate again. We’re quite lucky, and I love when special occasions like birthdays come along to help us stop and reflect a moment on all the important things in life. It’s a great feeling!Birthday celebratings around the bay in Newfoundlanda, Canada


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