Tuesdays with Murphy: Walking with Rosie

Golden retriever and goat

With this past busy holiday weekend at the Shag It Cafe and wedding event planning at The Doctor’s House, the two-leggeds around here think they’ve been  busy dealing with lots of changes. But it’s really the four-leggeds who’ve had the most to deal with it. I now have not one but TWO new little ones to mind and show the ropes – on top of all my Guest Relations duties.

Joe of course has his new golden retriever, named Friday – he’s sweet and smart, but it’s still going to be a lot of work for me to show him all of our Ocean Delight ways. And Rosie, well she’s a unique one. And a new partner for Jerry and me when we go on our morning walks. She must think she’s a dog, because she acts just like one.

Anyway, I don’t mind my extra charges. It’s like I always say – we four leggeds have to stick together!