Newfoundland and Labrador Pony Pals

Fundraiser for the Newfoundland ponyFundraiser for the Newfoundland pony

Because of our friendship with Clifford George, we now know lots more about the efforts to save the Newfoundland pony – and, why it’s important to do so. We’ve also met more people involved in the cause. These pictures are from one such person,Byron Hierlihy, of the Newfoundland Pony Pals Project. Byron tells me photos above are of the “Afternoon with the Newfoundland Ponies, ” a fundraiser held in Bay Roberts last summer.  They we working to raise funds to assist the Change Islands and Cappahayden Newfoundland Pony Sanctuaries.

As a result of this fund raiser and the similar one in Cupids, the group was able to donate $1500 to the Change Islands Sanctuary new barn fund and establish the Debbie Bray Memorial Newfoundland Pony Rescue and Assistance fund (you might remember what Clifford and Shirley shared about their friend Debbie from this post). A team also went to the Cappahayden Sanctuary for a day to help put a brand new lifetime roof on the pony/hay barn (pictured below) . This included a donation of $1800 worth of materials.

These are motivated individuals doing good, important work. If you’d like to get involved or attend any future events, please email me or leave a comment, and I’ll get  you in touch with the right people. And God bless the Newfoundland pony (I know we love ours!).Building a barn to support the Newfoundland pony