Happy Halloween from Ocean Delight Cottages

Halloween CandyJust wanted to take a minute to wish everyone a safe and happy Halloween. Sadly, we got no trick-or-treaters last year, but we’re keeping our fingers crossed for a few tonight.

I’m sure most parents know all the usual safety tricks – avoid dark clothing and masks, go in groups, make sure your children can’t trip in their costumes – but see here for a full list of safety tips from Health Canada.

We’ve got lots of four-leggeds, which reminds me to remind you to also keep your pets safe this holiday. Try to keep them indoors, make sure your dogs can’t find a way to get into all that chocolate, and if your pet is anxious around strangers, keep him away from trick-or-treaters. There’s so many cute pet costumes out there – make sure yours isn’t a choking hazard (and we’d love to see pics if you have them!).

I’m hoping we all enjoy this fun evening. One final tip from a father of 3 who’s ‘been there-done that’: get your children to eat a full meal before they go out collecting candy. It makes it easier for them to avoid the temptation of sneaking treats out of their bag before they get home, and also helps curb the eventual candy-gorge later that evening. Other than that, go nuts, get candy, and have fun!