55 Years of Wedded Bliss

Guests at The Doctor's House in NewfoundlandWe recently had the pleasure at The Doctor’s House of helping this lovely couple, Brenda and Steve, celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary. I had to share the email they sent us after their stay:

“Hi Jerry and Laurelyn,

We have been treated royally by Anna, Joe and Rosemary. We are truly happy to have chosen the Doctors House to celebrate our very special Anniversary. 55 years of wedded bliss! As we were married in Dublin it seemed apt to be in the Irish Doctors House!

We succeeded in doing something that we have not done for a very very long time, which is doing absolutely nothing!! We explored the house and are so impressed to see your progress since we visited on the day before opening and Laurelyn showed us through.

It has been frigid and so we have not been out and about. Anna made us a delicious lunch today and dinner last night was perfect. We are sipping a Pinot Grigio right now in your sunroom. Lots of happy people in the dining room having a Christmas get together. Warm atmosphere all round.

Wishing you both a Merry Christmas and many blessings in 2014.

Brenda and Steve”

To Brenda and Steve, a hearty congratulations again, best wishes, and Happy Holidays – and thanks for the great feedback.