Capelin Rolling

Capelin Rolling in NewfoundlandlandMany thanks to Theresa Andrews, who shared these great photos on Twitter of this year’s annual capelin hunt. And by ‘hunt,’ we mean scooping the capelin into waiting buckets – so easy, even a child could do it (and a particularly cute one at that)! These little fish come to shore each summer to spawn, and it’s an assuredly centuries old tradition for Newfoundlanders to head down to shore to scoop some up, both to use as fertilizer, and for eating – Jerry loves his barbecued. Theresa got these great shots at Long Point Cove – you can see our cottages nestled away in the back corner. More proof that when we say ‘ocean-front,’ we mean ocean-front! Thanks again to Theresa for sharing – we love connecting on Twitter, so please find us there!Capelin Rolling in Newfoundland