New Year, New Cat Tree

New cat tree There’s no doubt about it – we’re animal lovers here at Ocean Delight. Pets are welcome at our cottages, and we’ve got a small herd of pets ourselves. Which now includes count-em 4 cats – two adults and two kittens: Mimi, Shadow, Zoe and Monkey. They’re beloved, a hand-ful, and were in need of some pet furniture!

So, I went to a pet store over the weekend and noticed the high price tags – all quite high, even for non-impressive cat trees.  So, an engineer at heart and by training,  I designed my own.  I bought some floating shelves, covered them with anti-skid material and added carpet, too.  Now we have the ultimate cat tree, for a total cost was $139 in materials and three hours of my labour.

 The cats now think they are lions in the jungle looking down on us mere mortals.  So haughty, so self-important!  And of course – so cute, too. As you can see, they’ve already taken quite a liking to their new habitat!

Cats at our cottages