Newfoundland Ponies

Newfoundland poniesWe’re so in love with our Newfoundland Ponies and ever grateful to Dr. Frasier and Clifford George (yes, our wonderful artist, poet, raconteur and friend) for their survival.  Turns out there is a controversy developing as to whether Newfoundland ponies are actually their own distinct breed.  But names have little meaning when you love your flock like we do. Our animals, whether they be Bridie the pony, Eweness the sheep, Rosie the goat, Donald the duck, Peckie the hen, Golden the goose, or Mickey the moose, or any of the wild rabbits, blue jays, hawks, feral cats, or other visitors to our sanctuary, are all precious, welcome and loved.  None will go hungry at our sanctuary.

If we have to put up a fence to protect the flowers, so be it.  If we have to plant more sunflowers to feed the rabbits (that’s all they ate last year – left everything else as is), so be it.  If we have to buy extra feed, so be it.

As we strive to become a Farm to Table organic organization with zero energy footprint,  we will never lose touch with all the wonderful creatures that share our acres. They’re as fundamental to The Doctor’s House as anything else, and we just plain love them, anyway!