Spring has Sprung (Fresh Food for Fine Dining!)

Indoor Gardening in NewfoundlandYes, there’s still snow, but there’s already signs of sprouting spring at The Doctor’s House. We’ve just announced our new menu for Fine Dining at The Doctor’s House (!), and in our quest to be a Farm-to-Table organization, we’ve recently begun planting our seeds in the greenhouse.

We have our gardening plan set out, and our goal is summer sustainability.  Our salads, flowers, trees and bushes will be planted in sequence and transferred to the garden as the sun allows.

But unbeknownst to us, Barb George, our garden and greenhouse keeper, had a little surprise for us.  She’d secretly bought a home growing system, and she’s gotten a head start on the the lettuce, kale and other early starters.  She’ll be bringing them to the greenhouse soon.

That means, we should be having our organic lettuce is a  couple of weeks (remember, we’re opening April 10).  That’s almost three months ahead of last year! Pretty awesome.

We’d love to know in the comments – are you big gardeners? What do you do to make the best of our Newfoundland climate?