What a Weekend!

neil simmonds performsWhat truly wondering long weekend – I hope yours was as good as ours!

We had lovely crowds come join us at both the Shag It and at Dining at The Doctor’s House, as Neil Simmons took the stage, and fantastically so, in both locales. Lots of dancing, lots of laughing, and lots of good times ensued. We’re thrilled that Neil has joined Charlie to make our Shag It Sundays even better, and we’re happy to report that he’ll be back at The Doctor’s House next Friday, too.

We were also blessed to have many new and old friends join us, which always makes time lighter. A special thanks to our Premier Paul Davis and his wife Cheryl for stopping by the Shag It – it was an honour and a treat, and Paul couldn’t get over the view!

So on this Labour Day, we were truly reaping the rewards of a season of hard work, and it felt great! Stay tuned for more!