Tuesdays with Murphy: Spring Hare and Other Madness

Cutural Festival Spring Hare Revellers in Newfoundland

Well, if you’re a long time reader of the blog, you may have noticed a subtle shift in the past several days. Jerry had a good run of daily blogging – well over 365 days – and I know he’s loved every minute of it. I always sit at his feet early in the morning when he writes, cup of coffee in his hands, and I know it’s one of those moments we both enjoy best. But, to every thing, there is a season, and we’ve been thinking about forgoing the daily blog in favour or more detailed, information posts a few times. What do you think?

And, as you’ll also know if you’re a blog reader, with two big projects underway – the Shag It Cafe and Gift Shop, and The Doctor’s House – coupled with the usual busy start up of the summer season ….. well, Jerry’s been so busy he’s had to delegate lots of work lately. So I’m now the official Ocean Delight blogger, and I’ll dedicate my usual ‘Tuesdays with Murphy’ spot to talking about all the great events happening at the cottages, and in the Wonderful World of Whiteway.

And it’s impossible to blog about great events in Whiteway without talking about the Spring Hare, which just had a very successful turnout this past weekend. The Spring Hare is an annual story-telling, poetry reading and art display event that celebrates local talent and art. Jerry reports that this year was a full house, with fantastic art work and entertainment, great food and drink. What a potpourri of talent we have in this province – I wish they’d allowed four-leggeds!

Jerry and The Berry particularly enjoyed their great seats to see Glenn Simmons, formerly of the Wunderful Grand Band, and Amy House, a great Newfoundland comedian. Here’s Glenn performing … Jerry says you can really tell how much work was put into the entire production, and that he’s so grateful to live in such a talented, passionate community. We blog about Newfoundland art and artists frequently, so please check back to the blog regularly to see more.

Local art show in Whiteway, Newfoundland

And we love that our very own Lisa Day works so hard (along with many others) to bring us events like this! And please stay tuned, as we have some (hopefully) interesting, Newfoundland-centric articles coming soon!

2 Replies to “Tuesdays with Murphy: Spring Hare and Other Madness”

  1. Thanks, Murphy! I enjoy this blog, I’m sure I’ll love whatever comes next 🙂

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