Sunset Sunday: Squid Jiggin Ground

Squid Jigging in Contemporary Newfoundland

Today’s rather special Sunset Sunday is compliments of our good friend and neighbour, Albert Legge. I’ll let him describe this awesome picture:
“This photo was taken about 10-15 years ago when squid was in greater abundance than any of the past 8-10 years. You can see that the boats were rigged out with the ‘revolutionary’ Japanese jiggers, and some people used the traditional jiggers, and some were even using fishing rods!

The photo was taken from Pippy’s Dock,( from the roadside across from Shagrock Seniors Complex). Except for the brilliant sunsets, this represents a rare view that, for many years,  was a familiar late-summer scene observed from the shores of the WWW (Wonderful World of Whiteway).

‘This is the place where the fishermen gather….’ as the traditional song goes…

Hope you like it!”

We do, Albert – thanks sharing!