Happy Trails

Now that the weather is getting better we’ve started the journey of exploring the many walking trails in the area. The most popular around is probably the Witch Hazel Trail, one that offers apparently stunning views of Heart’s Delight and the bay. But we’ve also got trails that start right outside our Heart’s Delight cottages, which as you see here were the first we explored. Yes, that’s Laurelyn’s pink hat, and no, there were no other options, and yes, I was secure enough in masculinity to use it!

‘Our’ trail has no name as such so for now we’re calling it the Long Point Trail. It connects from our cottages to Islington going north, and to Cavendish and beyond going south. We haven’t walked it all yet, but locals tell us it is a fabulous trail with beaches, coves and different challenges. Looking forward to all the weekend hikes on this one!