Cruise Ship WWW

Whiteway Newfoundland

I blog a lot about sunsets. Not enough about our beautiful sunrises here in Newfoundland. Because in early morning as the sun climbs over Whiteway Mountain and shines on Shag Rock I take my pew in front of the big window and look out the bay.  Ever grateful for having found this place of places.

Sometimes, looking out over the bay, I feel like I am on some great cruise as I hear the waves and see only the ocean stretch in front of me.  Although I have not left the shore it feels that I am on some great journey. And I’m happy to share this view with the 4 cabins besides me.

 I was never one to be tied up in some safe harbour – it has always been the high seas for me.  Where this Cruise Ship WWW will take me I know not.  We’ve had our share of storms with no doubt many more to come.  For mine is not to rest but to explore and find new things trying to find myself. Anchors away!