Expecting, Eweness?

Sheep on our Newfoudland farmHere’s sweet Eweness, one our favourite four-leggeds at The Doctor’s House (who are we kidding – they’re all our favourites!). We rescued her about a year ago, and at the time we thought she was pregnant.

Well she wasn’t pregnant then …. but she might be now! Perry Oliver, our animal whisperer extraordinaire, says there’s a 90%+ chance we’ll be hearing the pitter patter of little hooves soon.  He said he will know for sure in about two or three weeks when her milk comes through, and he’s expecting a May baby. Or should be was babies – Perry thinks it might be twins!

So stay tuned to the blog – especially since we’ll be looking for help naming the new lambs! With (potential) babies on the way, and even more flowers expected this year given the amount of bulbs we planted last Fall, we’re expecting a very Spring-y Spring this year!