Monkey Goes Outside

Monkey Goes OutsideIt is amazing how much animals are like humans (or humans are like animals, I’m not sure which).  Our growing kitten, Monkey, recently got her first taste of freedom, and it was fun to watch.  She’s always looked longingly at her mother when she goes out. But when the door was finally held opened for her, she needed some convincing.  First she tip-toed,  ever so gingerly, ever so slowly, to the door.  She ventured her nose outside and quickly drew it back as the breeze brushed by and frightened her.

But she put her nose out again and took in the next breeze.  She waited, and in her own time, bolted across the deck and then came back to the door as fast as she had left it.

She then ran out again, to the edge of the deck.  Then back to the window and then back in the house.  It all lasted about 30 seconds.

Finally, a little more confident, she then jumped on the ledge of our deck with a smile on her face thinking of her first excursion into the Wonderful World of Whiteway – she’s gonna make it after all.

What's Out Here?kitten in newfoundland