Pick a Goat, Any Goat

goats at our newfoundland wedding retreatWell clearly there’s no denying it. We’re animal lovers, and we like to ‘go big or go home.’ When we became owners of The Doctor’s House, The Berry and I inherited two lovely Newfoundland ponies. And that was it as far as barnyard animals went.

And today? Wellllll … let’s just say we have a few more running around. And we love it. It wasn’t our goal to keep growing the herd, but when we hear about local animals who need new homes, how can we say no? We are an animal sanctuary, after all.

So new baby goats Jack and Jill and their momma Mel are getting along with goats Bonnie and Rosie, and Nan and her little lamb are getting along with Eweness, the sheep we brought home last year. All in all, it makes for a happy little family, that our guests love visiting (as do we, of course!). And don’t get us started on the 4 Newfoundland ponies …