The Oracle is Coming

Look out, Readers: I got a Nikon D-3100 camera – my ‘Oracle’ who sees all -for my birthday.  My first entry into high end photography, I looked at the manual, all the buttons and icons, the software, and all the paraphernalia and remembered that I am 62.  I’ll need another manual just to learn the basics.  But I will rage on in my ignorance (you know me) and take my rightful place among the other 500 million “would be” professional photographers of the digital age.

Unfortunately, the memory card was not included, so I didn’t get shots of the great, romantic day The Berry and I had in sunny Victoria, perusing a farmer’s market, having lunch outside, a little shopping, more than a little wine and napping, and floating away on my daughter’s float home.  Yesterday, we headed over to Galiano (a small island off the coast) to visit my other daughter. We’re staying at the Galiano Inn & Spa, which is just awesome. This is a cute little island, and I’ll try to get some shots if I can figure out The Oracle in time!