On Galiano

We came on this trip wanting to recharge our very-depleted batteries, and what a spot to do it. We’ll be coming home for the summer season recharged and more. Here I am heading on the ferry to visit my youngest daughter, Kathryn, who lives on Galiano Island. It’s a tiny little island off the coast (only 1200 or so people live here), so you have to take a ferry to get there – and boy, is it worth the journey. I’ve been coming here for a few years and they ferries have never been anything but easy to navigate. Here we are docking at Sturdies Bay, on the southeast of the island:Galiano is the perfect spot for a picnic – and nap! – on the beach, and for barbeques and wine late into the night. We’re staying at the lovely Galiano Inn and Spa, and we got to see my daughter’s place – she, too, is right on the water. Seems like my daughters are just like their Ocean Delight-loving father, hugging the coast and loving the ocean!

Kathryn’s place is actually sustainable. All their water comes from rain fall and they burn mostly wood. Very inspiring for us, given our goal to make our cottages more efficient by 2014.

Here’s The Berry and Kathryn getting ready for our steak barbeque. We’re going to have to make a trek out here more than once a year!

3 Replies to “On Galiano”

  1. Jerry, you, Laurelyn & Kathyrn look great! Sounds like a great place,happy you are having such a terrific time!

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