Picnic, Anyone?

The other day we had a huge storm outside the Wonderful World of Whiteway that caused a storm surge here at the cottages. Alf said it will likely be the biggest high tide of the season, and Alf knows.

We were sitting at the supper table and The Berry saw something from the window. “What’s that?” she yelled.

“That, my dear, is the picnic table we had on the beach,” I said. We had it as high up the beach as we could get it, well above the high water mark, but apparently not high enough for that surge.

Now it is on its way to Ireland. If I had known, I would have painted it green.

2 Replies to “Picnic, Anyone?”

  1. Well, it was a lovely picnic table, love the legs on it. Perhaps someone will eventually locate it when it washes up on a beach & will cherish their new found treasure!

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