Here’s Alf and me working on the boat. Yesterday we got the navigation lights, GPS, fish finder and stereo working. But more importantly, I had the trim motor come in last night and we installed it – and it worked like a charm. I gassed her up, and she purred like a kitten.

Then we discovered we had damaged the gear cable running from the console to the engine. See me below with the sledge hammer to see how I felt about this misstep!So we now have another big job on our hands. We had gotten so much done yesterday that I had regained hope for getting out on Father’s Day – my goal. But after this incident, most of that hope is gone. Today is busy getting a new surprise (you’ll see, or find in on our Twitter!), and tomorrow I have the photography course. So I’m running out of time to get it out for Sunday.

Too Bad It’s Friday. Perhaps the only time those words were spoken!