Silver Turned Platinum

This post is a little late, but there’s no way Murphy will give up his Tuesday slot! Anyway, this past weekend I had the honour of being a keynote speaker at the Silver Summit, a conference hosted by the Northeast Avalon Regional Economic Development Board for people interested in pursuing new careers after retirement.  Since these cottages are certainly a new career for me – one I wouldn’t have thought of 5 years ago, but one that has changed my life for the better – it was a good fit for me.

With some help from my daughters and The Berry, I was able to put together a speech about the long, sometimes challenging but always rewarding process that brought me from DF Barnes to running for office to running Ocean Delight. The conference was all about inspiring and helping people to make these kinds of changes after retirement. I full heartedly believe that life isn’t over when you hit 60 – that’s when it begins!

For more information on the the conference and an aging workforce, or because you’re dying to read more about yours truly (hey, a guy can dream!) check out Daniel MacEachern’s great article in The Evening Telegram. There may be more opportunities out there for a new life than you expect.