Sister Maria Torbayo

As the snow fell yesterday I had a bit of time to go through some Christmas gifts. Specifically I enjoyed playing with this fire-breathing nun, a gift from my daughter, Kathryn. I call her Sister Maria Torbayo!

She makes me think about growing up in Torbay and all the nuns who played such a large role in our lives. Some were sweet and adorable, kind and considerate; but others were like this fire-breather, mean and aggressive, handing out punishment at the slightest provocation.  Life sure wasn’t easy back then, but we all survived – somehow. Maybe someday I’ll write a book about growing up in Torbay and growing out of the tyranny of poverty.

2 Replies to “Sister Maria Torbayo”

  1. I also was raised under the tyranny of the fire breathing nuns of St. Joseph wearing the same habit as your doll.
    That’s were I learned to fear the consequences even if you didn’t do anything wrong. lol

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