Monty’s New Shoes

Here’s one of our first Monty posts, hopefully one of many more to come. He recently had to get new shoes, but not without a fight! We had a great ferrier, Kevin, come from the Goulds to shoe not just Monty, but Misty and Annie, Clifford’s horse and Newfoundland Pony, as well.

Misty and Annie were well-behaved old pros, while Monty was anything but! He gave Kevin the boots (pun intended) over and over again. It seems that Monty is just not used to being shoed and will be easier in the future, but Kevin had his hands full this time.

So there’s no doubt that Monty is a fighting Newfoundlander, but thankfully so is Kevin. And in the end, Monty was shod, “me nerves were shot,” and everyone was happy, even himself with his new shoes. We can’t wait to share more of this beautiful, beloved animal with our beautiful, beloved blog readers – stay tuned!