Budding Saturday: Allison George

In an effort to showcase this beautiful province, I’ve asked for submissions of beautiful photography to share on Saturdays. Usually that means work by our friend, Bud Vincent, but recently another friend, Allison George, answered the call. And boy, oh, boy, are we glad she did. She sent us a batch of her work that we’ll certainly be sharing with you, but this one of sweet Sunny (whom you may recognize from this blog!) was what kicked off her photography passion, so we think it’s a fitting way to kick off her series on the blog. I rave often about how gifted Newfoundland artists are – but clearly gifted isn’t the word! Anyway, read Allison’s description of this picture, below, and remember that if you are an artist or simply have some beautiful pictures to share, we’d love to give you a shout out!

From Allison:

“I started taking photos (only as a hoot) for a local photo contest at my place of work about 8 years ago. My very first photo I have ever taken as a “photographer” and the one closet to my heart is the one of my goat standing in my mother’s garden. My Sunny the goat garden photo is my trademark logo.”