Say Hello to my Little … Horse

Thank you to our friend Shirley for emailing us these great shots of some very fun happenings back home, indeed. The horse-lady, Renee, loves hanging out at Clifford’s – and it looks like her great son, Dominic, does as well. I don’t think Sunny, the goat, was too happy to have another little animal to contend with on the cuteness front, but it looks like everyone else thoroughly enjoyed themselves!

I can’t believe I’m saying this (I’ve always been a sun-chaser), but boy do these shots make me miss winter! I guess it’s because I know Whiteway is so beautiful now. These horses – they look stunning in whichever setting they’re in, don’t they? (And pssst, remember, last day to get your ultimate Valentine’s Day gift!).

Tuesdays with Murphy: Warming Up

With Jerry and The Berry gone I’m getting in lots of quality time with Molly and Joseph (I’m looking after him during their trip). I think I’m finally starting to put a dent in that steely exterior of hers. She feisty and independent, but I know inside that little chest beats a little heart of gold. Just you watch – we’ll be full-on cuddling by next week!

Of course, Molly’s a good friend, but with Valentine’s day coming up and all these special ways to take advantage at the cottages, I sure wish Maggie or Devon were scheduled for a play date!

Monty Practice

On one of our last days in Costa Rica, we were lucky enough to enjoy some horseback riding – my first time. Galloping on the beach was quite an experience! My beautiful Morena taught me how to ride in no time. And despite being scared for my life once or twice, I think I’m a natural cowboy! And The Berry, the horse lover, had a great time of course. I’m thinking we might need to get a slightly taller companion for Monty, so that The Berry and I can ride on. And we’ve gotten some great reports from Joe Friday and our friends back home. Stay tuned for some great blog pictures this week!

Sunset Sunday: Thanks, Bonnie!

Many thanks to Bonnie, a former (and hopefully repeat!) guest who just emailed us this beautiful shot of Shag Rock. It’s snowy where she is now, so she said she is longing for the lovely day she spend at our cottages reading on the deck and enjoying the view. Ditto!

Budding Saturday: Petite Forte

I’m enjoying the beauty of the tropics on my vacation, of course, but I still love my Saturday indulgence into Newfoundland at its best. I reserve this day for highlighting art and photography showcasing the island, from local artists. Usually, like today, they’re from my friend Bud Vincent, but if you have anything you’d like to share please email us. Bud tells me Petite Forte, where this was taken, is one of the best places on the planet to take photos, bar none. I have to agree!

Sunny Boo Boo

Here’s a funny moment, captured and sent to us from our neighbour, Shirley (thank you!). It’s everyone’s favourite goat, sweet Sunny, eating out of the bird feeder. I guess what they say about goats is right – Shirley says he will eat anything he can get his hands (hooves? snout?) on.

And far be it for me not to point out (hey, I do have a job, you know! And I’m blogging on vacation so I’m allowed these indulgences!) – this is the last weekend to shop before Valentine’s, and if you have no heart to brave the Avalon Mall, we can set you up with a nice gift certificate or cozy winter special package! Happy Friday!

Rain, Much?

According to Joe, we’ve had a couple of intense rain storms. Up to 120 kilometer an hour winds coupled with over 30 mL of rain – yup, I’d call that a rainstorm! Seems like my rock garden is doing ok though – and my brother, Michael, thought it wouldn’t hold up. Oh ye of little faith!

Equine Nuzzling

There is something so endearing in this picture of Czarina and Misty being friendly, sent to us by Shirley. A reminder that friendship and love – not to mention a peaceful sleigh ride – make the winter seem so much warmer. And a reminder to me to remind you that we can arrange gift certificates for Valentine’s Day, and we have a special package that makes a winter retreat to our cozy cottages even cozier and more romantic. Perfect for that special friend you love to nuzzle!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Joe Friday, the Dog Whisperer

I have to give it to my uncle Joe (you might know him as Joe Friday) a lot of credit. He’s been ‘babysitting’ (the nerve!) me while Jerry and The Berry are on vacation. We’re having lots of fun, but where I really give him credit is the work he’s done with Molly. You may remember that Molly is the Devon Rex who used to live with Jerry. She is beautiful – and “moody” (that’s my gentlemanly way of saying ‘mean’!). She hit and hissed the first time she met me.

But Joe is a cat lover of the highest order, and she’s been living with him all this time. And I’m not sure what he’s putting in her kibbles, but something he’s doing is magic – he’s really mellowed her out! Out with the hissing, in with the cuddles! Now while Joe is my main human, I’m sharing my space with this little creature and I couldn’t be happier. She’s tiny, but she’s warm – I’ll take it!

Clifford’s Love

Here’s some belated birthday cheer for our friend, Clifford George. And a Danish Proverb that puts things nicely: “Care, and not fine stables, makes a fine horse.” Not that Clifford doesn’t have a beautiful farm for his animals, but it’s surely his and Shirley’s love and attention that have made them into the fine ones they are!