Sunset Sunday: Havana Day Dreaming

There is something to be said for 90 degrees every day, where you never need a sweater, where the sun sets in glorious tones every night, where life is relaxed, quiet and gentle. This is a great place to visit, but……………………..!

It’s the reverse of life at home, that’s for sure. You go indoors to get cold, you go out early and late in the day to avoid the unbearable hot sun. And I’m going to enjoy every minute of it. We’re still doing some work here, but much more leisurely than at home and I’ve never needed a break more – or worked harder than this past year. But there’s still no doubt in my mind that that there’s no comparison to watching the sunset over Shag Rock.

I could live in and love both places (I’ve moved around enough to know I could live anywhere), but even with the glorious heat I miss home. I chose the Wonderful World of Whiteway. And I’m happy to know that coming here and experiencing this (and loving it still), I still dream of my rocky beach. God Guard Thee, Newfoundland!

Budding Saturday: Wooden Heart

We’re taking a much needed vacation, but the blog goes on – and with it, Budding Saturday! I reserve Saturday’s to showcase the province in ways that only artists can. I do my best to do our beautiful island justice, but I know I can’t compare to the likes of Bud Vincent, who sent me this shot and is regularly featured here. If you have a beautiful picture you’d like to ‘go public,’ or if you know of any artists (photographers or otherwise) who’d like a small platform, please email us!

And doesn’t this wood make you want to cuddle up by a fire? Sounds like a pretty romantic way to spend Valentine’s, if you ask me!

Joe Friday’s Tiki Hut

So … I’m not in the Wonderful World of Whiteway these days, but even here (in Costa Rica), I can’t get the cottages out of my head! I saw this tiki hut and thought – we need to build one for Joe Friday! Can’t you just see him and Molly lounging around our rocky beaches in something like this? I’ve already taken measurements and started the design in my head. Of course, that means we HAVE to get the feel of it, too so we NEED to sit by the pool, sip on nice drinks, walk along the beach …. so much work, so little time – thankfully we’re both workaholics! Happy Weekend, everyone!

Someone’s Closed for the Season

I’m always happy to get emails from my friend Bud Vincent, but he sends me so many great pics that I unfortunately can’t share them all the blog. But when I read his caption on this one, I had to! According to Bud, ’tis so cold around here these days, even the outhouses are closed for the season!’  This shot was taken in Champneys, about an hour outside of Harcourt … looks like it might be colder there than in the Wonderful World of Whiteway! (And by the way, no, we’re NOT closed for the season – while lots in our industry do shut down in the winter, we know our cottages are still a cozy retreat – complete with snowshoes, warm fires and hot chocolate  – and we love giving Newfoundlanders some easy travel options in the winter!).

Perfect Day for a Ride

We’re away on a bit of a holiday trying to catch up on rest after a busy year, but when Shirley emails us pictures like this – man, do we miss home! She said it was a lovely day for a ride, and it looks like it. Clifford took out Misty, and Renee took out Czarina – and as you can see, she t0ok a bit of a spell after trying to stand up on her sleigh – so much for horse-drawn surfing!

I love how Czarina has her tongue out and is laughing along with Renee! And remember, if these shots don’t tempt you to take advantage of our Winter Special (with lots of perks to make your stay even cozier), I don’t know what will!

Tuesdays with Murphy: I Walk Alone

Well, not quite alone. But I can’t take Jerry for his daily walks – supposedly he and The Berry needed a break and are gone on vacation. I do say that those two work like dogs. But thankfully Joe Friday is a pretty good human – soon I’ll have him trained perfectly, too! I just hope some lovebirds take advantage of our winter special to keep us company!

Berry Picking

The Berry and I are taking a bit of a vacation (after barely getting a break this Christmas even, we need the rest!), but this blog doesn’t feel like work anymore so I just had to get on here and share this new video from the province’s Tourism Agency. The ads have been stunning us all for years, winning countless awards with a proven success record of bringing more tourists to the area. Not hard to see why! And since Laurelyn’s ‘The Berry’ and this video is about berry-picking, it seemed apropos! I’m nostalgic for home already!

Sunset Sunday: Fire and Flame

Joe Friday captured this shot of Shag Rock, the fire in the fire pit, and the beautiful setting sun. He’s a pretty good photographer, isn’t he? Actually, a lot of the beautiful pictures featured on this website were taken by Joe – we might have to keep him around, won’t we!

Budding Saturday: Artist’s Eye

Saturday’s on the blog are generally Newfoundland Art Day, and specifically, often photography from old friend Bud Vincent. He’s amazing and prolific, and perfectly encapsulates the beauty of our beautiful island. He sent me these shots the day we were all shut in by the big snow storm. I love sharing them with you – and if you have any great shots, or know of any artists looking for a venue to showcase their work, please send us an email!

Alf’s New Boat

Our neighbour, friend and sometimes Guardian Angel, Alf,  just got his new boat and motor and he is quite proud of it – and can you blame him? She’s a beauty made right here on the island by Green Bay Fibreglass.  They’re going to name it To Us from Us (at least in jest!). It’s brand new, the perfect size for Alf and Hilda (his wife), and he expects to keep it for a long, long time. So congrats to them both, and we can’t wait to get out in her!