Thanks to friend and photographer Bud Vincent for all the great shots – they came out much better than mine, that’s for sure! Here’s Minister Terry French speaking to us at a recent Eastern Destination Management Organization (EDMO) meeting. As part of my ongoing effort to teach everyone that old dogs can learn new tricks, I’ve spent the past year getting steeped in the the tourism industry, and it’s been an eye-opening journey. At this meeting we reviewed the year’s financials and added three new members to the board. We talked about tourism in the province, noting that most operators had growth last year. There was a presentation on plans for the future and they look good indeed. And Minister French gave the keynote address at the luncheon. Overall it was a good networking opportunity and I was happy to learn a lot – thanks to all involved!

Watch Jerry study ….Watch Jerry learn! Thanks again, Bud, for the pictures and all that you do!

Winter Frolic

We have been …… I want to say ‘insanely busy,’ but that seems to be putting it too mildly! But I get my exercise and my enjoyment from watching these beauties frolic in the snow – so how can I complain?

And remember that we have a special Stay In ‘n Stay Warm winter package to make staying at our cozy cottages even cozier if you decide to partake in this Winter Wonderland yourself!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Walking Jerry

Well I have to say this Monty business has been a bit disappointing so far – around Christmas, all Jerry and The Berry could talk about was Monty, another beautiful four-legged, joining the Ocean Delight family. But so far, Monty is more like a neighbour than a brother, spending all his time at Clifford’s farm. I don’t understand these humans – what’s stopping Monty from moving in? Something about a barn needing to be built ….. can’t Monty share my bed until then?

Anyway, since Laurelyn has to visit Monty every morning, I only have to take Jerry out these days. And I’ve developed a strategy to get more Monty time – walking Jerry to Clifford’s farm! I get to see my buddy, and it’s not like my human doesn’t need the exercise anyway. A little walk in the snow never hurt anyone! And if Monty’s the pot at the end of the rainbow, he’s worth it in my books!

Monty’s Debut (Laurelyn’s, Too!)

We’re going on vacation soon, and Clifford was bound and determined to get Laurelyn out for sleigh ride with Monty (Ocean Delight’s newest family member) before we go. So unknown to us he went and bought an old Newfoundland work sleigh and, as you can see above, they took a spin.  Then he showed The Berry how to drive the sleigh – you can see her taking the reigns below. Needless to say, The Berry and The Pony both loved it!

Sunset Sunday: Stormy Weather = Happy Jerry

Like many great men before me, I cannot tell a lie, so I’ll admit it: I’m literally your ‘fair weather friend.’ Meaning I love the sun, I love summer, and I love hot weather – Thailand, Florida, New Orleans in August – you can’t name a temperature on the heat index that I wouldn’t love to swelter in. It’s been a pleasant surprise to me in fact how much I’ve enjoyed winter at the cottages – further testimony to the Wonderful World of Whiteway. But to the point of this Sunset Sunday post – for all I love the heat, I also love a good storm. Getting good shots of the wicked snowstorm we just experienced was beyond my purview, but thankfully (and thanks to Joe Friday for this one), I still have some great sunset shots up my sleeve. Stormy weather, Shag Rock and the setting sun – what’s not to love?

Budding Saturday: Whales Off the Coast

Saturday’s we use the blog to show-off Newfoundland artists, and the beauty of Newfoundland in general – not hard to do! When our good friend Bud Vincent sent me these shots of the ‘aftermath’ of a whale breaching off Cape Bonavista, I had to share them. Hopeful whale watchers make up a lot of the tourists who come to the island, and to our cottages, and rightfully so – in the summertime, we regularly see them from the shore. They’re a nice view while you sip your morning coffee! Thanks, Bud, for the great shots – and please send along any of your favourite Newfoundland scenes if you have them!

Clifford’s Farm

Since Monty is staying with Clifford until we can build him a home at our cottages, we’re spending a lot more time at Clifford’s farm, with him and with Murphy’s other fellow “four-leggeds,” Annie, Misty, and famous little Sunny. I’m not sure who loves the visits more – Murphy or Laurelyn, who grew up riding and already has a special bond with Monty. Either way, even with a bit of snow, there’s nothing quite like it – I guess I’m quite the reformed city boy after all.

Monty’s New Shoes

Here’s one of our first Monty posts, hopefully one of many more to come. He recently had to get new shoes, but not without a fight! We had a great ferrier, Kevin, come from the Goulds to shoe not just Monty, but Misty and Annie, Clifford’s horse and Newfoundland Pony, as well.

Misty and Annie were well-behaved old pros, while Monty was anything but! He gave Kevin the boots (pun intended) over and over again. It seems that Monty is just not used to being shoed and will be easier in the future, but Kevin had his hands full this time.

So there’s no doubt that Monty is a fighting Newfoundlander, but thankfully so is Kevin. And in the end, Monty was shod, “me nerves were shot,” and everyone was happy, even himself with his new shoes. We can’t wait to share more of this beautiful, beloved animal with our beautiful, beloved blog readers – stay tuned!

Fun in North America’s Oldest

This blog is very Whiteway-centric as that’s where we spend the vast majority of our time- and we’re only too happy to do so. But we’re always enjoy when business brings us into the Emerald City (that’s St. John’s!). When we have time, it’s fun to take Murphy on all the hikes and walks surrounding the city, and of course the shows and restaurants there are world-class. But sometimes it’s just fun to kick back with the good, old ‘dinner and a movie’!

So that’s what The Berry and I did last night, seeing The Hobbit. When I had a younger man’s teeth, I couldn’t get enough Tolkien. It is a rare treat when a movie fulfills the book. And while we didn’t think The Hobbit was quite as good as the Lord of the Rings, but that doesn’t mean we didn’t thoroughly enjoy it.

After the show we went to the Governor’s Pub to feast on moose sausages and virgin Caesar’s. St. John’s Life – not too shabby at all! (And remember, we have some beautiful downtown rentals there, too).

Take a Look at Me Now

As you can see from my handsome bow and glistening-more-than-usual coat, I was groomed this weekend. This time I went to the Horse Lady of Whiteway’s house …and I hope Jerry takes a few lessons from her. First, she didn’t have to get in the tub with me (like some people) – she had a professional dog grooming tub. And she knew what she was doing, so I was able to truly relax. Ah! Nothing like a woman’s touch!

This is certainly quite the bunch of two-leggeds who live out here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway – I never know who is going to amaze me next, and with what talent!