Funeral Procession of Cecile Marchand

I didn’t know Cecile Gertrude Marchand, but her’s is a beautiful story that I knew I had to share after hearing it. Thank you to her family for sharing her story, and to Clifford and Shirley for helping us share it with you.

“This is the funeral procession of Cecile Gertrude (Bishop) Marchand. Cecile passed away on December 29, 2012 at the age of 72. She died in Tiny Perkinsfield, Ontario. She was the daughter of Walt and Violet Bishop of Cavendish. She moved away a good many years ago but kept a summer residence in Cavendish. She loved returning to Cavendish every year and a few years ago renewed her marriage vows to Ray Marchand on their 40th anniversary with a lovely garden wedding and reception in Cavendish. She lived in Perkinsfield Ontario and Fort Myers, Florida. They kept several horses at the farm in Ontario. Initially afraid of horses she soon learned to love and ride them. She had four children, Nancy, Marcel, Kay and Kim (twins) and 6 Grandchildren. She has 9 Siblings in Newfoundland.

Cecile learned in May 2011 that she had ALS and knew what was facing her. She arranged her funeral and asked Clifford George of Whiteway, who had horses, to take her on her final journey to the Cemetery in Cavendish. With the support of the ALS society she aquired an iPod, and it became her constant companion and only means of communication after her voice failed in March 2012. The tablet was what kept her in touch with family and friends. She asked questions and answered questions on it. Her legs slowly lost all muscle and she was bound to a wheel char. She had to depend on a feeding tube for nourishment beginning June 2012. ALS did not stop her, as she travelled to Cavendish each summer and joined the Cavendish 50 Plus Club and went on whatever activity or trip the rest of the group took part in. She made the bus trip to Ferryland and the Loop, and she watched husband Ray bowl and curl with the other members. This past summer she visited the St. Pat’s 50 Plus Club in Carbonear with the group and had a little spin on the dance floor (in her wheelchair) with Ray, all the time with her iPod in her lap.

Her fingers were still functioning almost to the end and she had found Facebook, which became her outlet. She would type a story from her childhood almost everyday and post it on Facebook – stories that the rest of her siblings would also remember when their memory was jogged, funny stories, sad stories, stories from her past. What she also listed on Facebook was her struggle with ALS and its toll on her body and what she was facing now. She was an advocate for the right to die with dignity. She wanted her Facebook friends to petition their government member to speed up the bill that would give people in her situation the right to say when it was too much to bear. Her family, of course, wanted to keep her with them as long as possible, but supported her in her desire to end life with dignity. On one of her Facebook entries she couldn’t understand why she was kept alive and her cousin, who was younger than her, was suddenly taken, she ended her entry for that day with “I’m ready now, beam me up Scottie”. Cecile’s last post was Dec. 26th 2012 with the words “ HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE’.

Rest in peace Cecile.”


Snowed In Sunday!

Tt wasn’t the best weekend for my usual Sunday sunset shots, so behold an even better sight – Survivor Joe! He shoveled all the way to from his house to the truck in the middle of the storm, checking on us (while stocking up on some rabbit stew).  With no power, he got the fire going, and along with Mayor Craig Whelan helped dig us out. A very snowed in weekend indeed!

A Sight to Behold

Well, chances are your shoulders are as sore as mine from yesterday’s storm – what a doozy! Meanwhile, Saturday’s posts we like to showcase Newfoundland at its finest as seen through the eyes – and lens – of our talented artists. I’ve said many times on this blog that we could have named one of our 4&1/2 star cottages in Heart’s Delight, now named after local birds, ‘The Eagle.’ I think I’ve seen more eagles in the past year living here that I have in the rest of my life combined. Anyway, this stunning shot is from Bud Vincent, Newfoundland photographer extraordinaire. He took this shot near Come By Chance in Placentia Bay. Hard to believe he got so close to such a stunning scene!

And as always, there’s a standing call for submissions for any artists – hobby, professional or otherwise – who’d like this albeit small platform to showcase their work here next Saturday!

Sister Maria Torbayo

As the snow fell yesterday I had a bit of time to go through some Christmas gifts. Specifically I enjoyed playing with this fire-breathing nun, a gift from my daughter, Kathryn. I call her Sister Maria Torbayo!

She makes me think about growing up in Torbay and all the nuns who played such a large role in our lives. Some were sweet and adorable, kind and considerate; but others were like this fire-breather, mean and aggressive, handing out punishment at the slightest provocation.  Life sure wasn’t easy back then, but we all survived – somehow. Maybe someday I’ll write a book about growing up in Torbay and growing out of the tyranny of poverty.

Oh Danny Boy

There are concerts and there are good concerts, and then there is the superlative – a Danny O’Flaherty Concert. The lovely Lisa, my niece and now fiancee of Danny’s, arranged to have him give a performance at St. Bon’s to raise funds for the basketball team – her son plays on the team.

And, what a performance – from wonderful Celtic ballads to children’s songs, from Mummers to the St. Pat’s Dancers,   from greetings from the mayor of New Orleans to greetings  from  mayor of St. John’s. This concert had it all as it performed to a sold out audience who sang and clapped and enjoyed a wonderful afternoon of entertainment.

Never ones to miss out on an opportunity to help out the community, our Clifford George donated sketches and Mary O’Brien donated a Waterford crystal to raise additional funds. It was wonderful! Then we went to dinner with some friends and had a few scuffs at Bridie’s – all in all a great way to wind down the Christmas season.

Warm Treat on a Cold Day

It is hard to beat the smell of The Berry’s muffins (made with locally handpicked cranberries!) early in the morning as we get ready for a day’s work in the world’s most beautiful office. It didn’t take long for the aroma to fill up the kitchen office, nor for the butter to melt. The Berry eats the bottoms, I eat the tops, and Joe always manages to secure a few for himself – it’s the perfect symbiotic relationship!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Where Would You Rather Be?

St. John’s or the  Wonderful World of Whiteway – what would you say? Here I am at my lavatory in olde St. John’s, small and enclosed with no privacy – hardly dignified. And here I am in the open country, running, hunting, retrieving and having a ball, with the biggest ‘loo a four-legged could ask for.

It’s usually great when The Berry or Jerry say, “do you want to go for a ride?”- it usually means we’re going to a new trail to explore. But when I see them packing a bag and talking about Costco, banks, meetings and the like, woe is me. I know I am on a trip to boredom.

Of course in town I live in perpetual hope, like a gambler at the Lotto machine, that we’ll go to Bowering or Pippy Park, around the pond, up Signal Hill or along the East Coast Trail. But that rarely happens, as they are always in such a hurry – so I patiently wait for the scent of the open road back home. Please hurry!

Not One But Two

We’ll soon be the Love Capital of Newfoundland and Labrador. We had another two engagements here over the Christmas holidays – one on Christmas and one on New Year’s Eve.

First up was Derrick and Olive, a great couple from Labrador who loved the Puffin so much on a trip over the summer that they came back for Christmas. It was a pleasure to have them back and we’re honoured to have been chosen as the place of their engagement – we’re really hoping they’ll be back for their honeymoon!

Then there was Danny O’Flaherty who (lucky man) proposed to my beautiful niece Lisa (often seen here on the blog!) on New Year’s Eve, and then serenaded us all with a performance at our party that night. We got to see him perform again at a charity event yesterday in St. John’s – truly a treat! Truly a great man who I’ll be happy to call family.

That makes at 10 engagements and about 6 honeymoons at the cottages so far in our first year – how great is that? We’ll have to think of something great for this Valentine’s!

Budding Saturday: Chinese Lanterns

Saturday’s I reserve this blog space to feature Newfoundland art and Newfoundland beauty. So far, that has meant photography from our good friend Bud Vincent, and I’m more than happy to do so since his work is so brilliant. But if you’re an artist or know one – drop us a line so we can feature you here, too!

Bud tells me that these are Chinese Lanterns. He was surprised to see them shining through all the snow. He spoke to the owner of the property they were on, and learned that they’re actually an extremely hearty plant, and that no matter what happens them over the winter through drifts and drifts of snow, they come back better and better each year. How’s that for a metaphor?