Here We Go Again (Updating the Blueberry)

Since we’re not as busy as we were in the summer season, we’ve had time to upgrade as we continue on our mission to be the best on the island. So we recently gave the Blueberry another facelift. We put laminate flooring in the bedrooms and an antique headboard in the small bedroom. The Berry found it on Kijiji and it is gorgeous. Then we put in new night tables and lamps in the big bedroom, and mounted new Tiffany lights in the ceiling. We love the results and hope that our guests will, too!


A Christmas Miracle

This is a remarkable tale but it is true I swear. When I was a boy I had and loved this very teddy bear. But my older siblings thought I had outgrown him by the time I was 10, so they hid him on me. I never found him and it took me a long time to get over it.


Move forward about 50 years and I am walking in the woods behind Jack’s house and looking up at me (with a tear in his eye) was teddy – exactly the same as I had last seen him, but faded through years in the sun! I ran to Jack’s, put him through the washer, and he was as good as new – and still very dear.


A few years later, I lost him and never thought I’d see him again.


Until this Christmas that is! My daughter, Kathryn, found and returned him to me. Wow! I am so grateful for this Christmas miracle and my constant reminder of Jack. As if anyone needs a constant reminder of Jack.

New Years Recap

I have an excuse for my New Years post being a day late – we were up until 4am partying the night before!

But don’t let a missing post fool you into thinking we didn’t have a time! Family, guests and friends all showed up to help us ring in 2013. And we had a special treat – my beautiful niece Lisa brought her over-the-top talented partner Danny O’Flaherty, a Celtic balladeer of the highest quality. He serenaded us all and it was truly a treat. He’ll actually be performing for charity this coming January 6 to celebrate Old Christmas Day – drop us a line if you’d like info on how to get tickets. Trust me – you won’t be disappointed!

But overall, thanks to all for a great night, a  great year, and lets all make 2013 the best ever.

Tuesdays with Murphy: More Monty

Happy New Year, friends! I hope everyone had a safe and fun time last night and has enough coffee to get them through today! Jerry and The Berry are excited because in a little while they’ll be holding the draw for everyone who entered our New Years Giveaway – the winner will get a free stay at the cottages! I wonder who I’ll get to play with!

So you may be wondering who this sweet guy pictured is – he’s my new best friend, another four legged! With all the commotion over the holidays, you may have missed the newest addition to our Ocean Delight family – Monty! One thing’s for sure – we love him already (but being the first child of ODC, I’m not worried about losing my place!). Thanks to Tammy Webber for the beautiful picture of our beautiful pony. And expect to see lots of him in the future!

Cliff, Misty, and New Year’s Reflections

A big thanks to Shirley for this beautiful picture of Clifford and Misty. As 2012 is winding down, we reflect on all the things we are grateful for. I knew before we moved to the cottages that we were getting a great chance to start a new and fulfilling life. But I had no idea what that would look like. I am continually thrilled that it has meant making new friends like the George’s. Their compassion, their openness, their infectious love of Whiteway and art and animals and the Baccalieu inspire me and The Berry daily. So I hope all our friends – new and old – will enjoy a very Happy New Year.

And please remember! Today is the last day of our very first contest! The winner gets a free stay at the cottages, so please follow this link and enter. You never know – you might get one last holiday present this year! Good luck!

Sunset Sunday: Year Winding Down

Thanks to Joe Friday for this beautiful picture of the sun setting over Shag Rock – he really has a great eye for photography and you’ll see lots of his work throughout the site. But more importantly, as I’m reflecting on this ending year, thanks to Joe for all his hard work, and for coming out here to share this life with us. And thanks to Laurelyn for her dream that led us out here, for her relentless efforts to keep us going. Thanks to our fabulous guests who make it all worth it, who write us great reviews on TripAdvisor and sometimes even start to feel like family. Thanks to Alf, Hilda, Clifford, Shirley, Lisa, Albert, Renee and all the other wonderful people who have welcomed us into this new community with open arms and given us more than one leg-up along the way.  Thanks to Murphy for lifting our spirits every day. Thanks to my daughters, who are my inspiration and my sounding boards. And thanks to everyone who reads this blog, for when you comment here and on Facebook, and if you voted for me for the Canadian Blog Award. Looking out on Shag Rock each night with all these blessings, how can I be anything but grateful?

Budding Saturday: Our Furry, Feathered Friends

This week I’m not only showcasing Bud Vincent’s beautiful pictures (that perfectly capture our beautiful province) but also his beautiful words. Sometimes Bud gives me some context for his pictures, and this particular email I wanted to share with you (see below). And remember, I’m using this space on Saturdays to feature Newfoundland artists, so please let me know if you have anything you’d like to share!

“For those of you who have furry, feathered friends around your property too, please ensure that they are fed. They, like us, need food to survive – especially at this time of the year, for the next number of months…

Remember these are creatures of God….Yes, the wonderful wonders of God…..Placed on earth for our complete enjoyment and pleasure…Yes, over the past number of years since I made the transition from being a ‘townie’, to becoming ‘a bayman’ – my real roots – we, as a family have taken a sincere interest in all sorts of animals, small and large….. Give it a whirl, you’ll love it too….”

On Guard

Here are some guys the Wizard of Shag Rock sent over to guard over us when Santa’s not around. They don’t say much but keep a stern look to frighten away would-be mean spirits (and by the way, move out to Whiteway and you’ll start believing in faeries!). With them here we are assured a Christmas season of giving, love, peace and happiness – what we wish for you, as well.

Boxing Day Surprise: Merry Monty Christmas!

Today I am so happy to be introducing the newest member of Ocean Delight – Murphy is no longer the only four-legged here! Meet Monty, a beautiful 8 year old pony (and our newest family member).

Knowing how much Laurelyn used to love riding horses when she was a little younger, we cooked up a deal to give Monty to her for Christmas.  Clifford George will keep him in his barn until next summer, when we will build one for him. We hope to be able to find a saddle, cart, and slide for Monty so we take guests on rides. How cool is that – Murphy’s very own buddy! What a great Christmas!And don’t forget – there’s still a week left to enter our Win a Free Stay Contest, and we have some great New Year’s Deals, too. We’d love to see you out here!