Tuesdays with Murphy: Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all our beautiful readers and wonderful guests – both past, present and future! This is my first Christmas at Ocean Delight and I am loving the quality time with Jerry and The Berry.  Although of course I do miss my old family especially this time of year and am sending them telepathic greetings – I hope they know they are always in my heart.

Anyway, I hope all my friends (including my many lady friends) woke up this morning to find their stockings stuffed with bones and tennis balls, and their humans stuffed with turkey, wine, and chocolate. I’m truly loving my first Christmas in the Wonderful World of Whiteway, and I hope you’re loving yours, too, where ever you are.

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

You know I like to keep this blog Ocean Delight-centric, but since it’s Christmas Eve I hope you’ll allow me this personal indulgence. If you know me, you know nothing compares in my life to my three beautiful children. And some of my dearest Christmas memories are of reading them ‘The Night Before Christmas’ on Christmas Eve. When they were younger, they listened in rapt attention – and when older, as you can see, I felt a little more free to add my own irreverent verses. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, and that you enjoy your families as much as The Berry and I do and are creating some lasting memories. Merry Christmas from Ocean Delight.

A Great Christmas Gift

We came home the other day to a heartwarming Christmas gift. We opened the mail and here was a Christmas card from Les and Gwen. You may remember it took a bit of extra effort from Joe, Laurelyn and Guardian Angel Alf to get Les, in a wheelchair, into the Awake at Last and out to see Shag Rock – and all were too happy to oblige.

Les and Gwen are extraordinary people with a moving story and warm spirits, and having them stay with us was an experience we will never forget – and it seems that neither will they. We are ever grateful for the guests that come and touch our hearts – Merry Christmas to them all (and remember, you can join us for a free weekend if you win our New Years Contest).

Budding Saturday: Awaiting Christmas

You may remember that I’m starting a new Saturday tradition of promoting Newfoundland art on this blog. If you’re an artist or know or love one who’d like to be featured, please email us! In the meantime, I’m sharing some pictures captured by one of the best Newfoundland photographers I know – Bud Vincent. I love how he’s able to capture the beauty in all things, big or small, winter or summer. And especially Christmas!

Oh! Christmas Tree!

We got our tree last weekend (Laurelyn’s first Griswold tree – she’d never cut her own before) but there was no way we were decorating it until my beautiful daughter, Kathryn, came to visit. Decorating the tree together is a tradition we keep very much alive, and I felt like all my daughters and all our Christmas memories circled us as we worked.

We started around 6 and finished at 10:30, with dinner and business-induced breaks in between. But we got ‘er done and she is a beauty of yore. But of course, nothing compares to the delight of seeing my youngest daughter growing her wings (in her case, quite literally!) and becoming a strong, independent woman. Getting to spend some time with her is truly my greatest gift.

Getting in the Mood

With the freshly fallen snow as the back drop, it’s been so fun decorating our home – especially now that my daughter is here to help. The moose stew, Christmas music and fireplace all make for the perfect Christmas around the bay.  Life is good.


Yes, Laurelyn, It is Going in the Living Room

Clark/Jerry: We’re kicking off our fun old fashion family Christmas by heading out into the country in the old front-wheel drive sleigh to embrace the frosty majesty of the winter landscape and select that most important of Christmas symbols.

Audrey/The Berry: We’re not coming all the way out here just to get one of those stupid ties with Santa Clauses on it are we?

Clark/Jerry: No, I have one of those at home.


(Perhaps sadly), no movie captures my approach to Christmas quite like Christmas Vacation. What can I say – I like to go all out and for better or worse I’m a big family guy, so I identify with Clark! And now that we’re living in rural Newfoundland, I came one step closer to the movie – we cut down our own tree.

With The Berry, Joe and Murphy along, we set out to find the perfect tree. It is just a bit smaller than the infamous one from the movie, but still stunning. We’re waiting for my daughter to stay with us before we decorate – I can’t wait!And remember we still have a contest to win a free stay at the cottages – make sure you add your name to the list. Maybe you’ll be out in this winter wonderland with us!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Bowering Park

Well, if you read Jerry’s Man Hands post last week then you know Jerry was busy with renovation work,  and believe me – the dust was flying.  And all the while I rested listening to Christmas music in front of the fire place downstairs – living the dog’s life. Those humans – have they got a lot to learn.

So I finally convinced Jerry to take a break and take The Berry for a walk in Bowering Park – very altruistic of me. It was supposed to be all about them, so I pretended I didn’t enjoy bounding through the trails, splashing in the Waterford River, and exploring where my previous humans used to take me. But I really couldn’t contain myself when I saw the ducks. I really wanted to catch some – must be genetic.

Ah! Bowering Park – it really is the jewel of St. John’s.


First Real Snowfall

We have been decorating and running around taking photos after the first snow fall. Wow! It sure is gorgeous on a different level. It actually makes me appreciate winter – and that’s a very new appreciate for me! Everything crisp and pristine, everything Snow White. I’m even smiling while I shovel (for now at least!)

And my daughter came home for Christmas yesterday, so things are looking good here at Ocean Delight.

Sunset Sunday: My Church

I told you watching the sunset is my version of church – and I even have the stained glass – ain’t it beautiful? Glorious sunsets here bring Doreen’s (The Berry’s mother) beautiful gifts to life. They remind me of the days I went to an actual church ( I was Altar Boy of the Year for 5 years in Torbay) when the sun would pour in through the stained glass windows and set my imagination to flight.

Thanks Doreen for the beautiful panes – they are gorgeous and we notice them every day. It is hard to believe so much pane can bring so much joy.