Holding On

We’re half-way through October, so I take advantage of any opportunity to eat outside (which just happens to be my favourite way to eat). The Berry is off taking a much needed vacation, relaxing and visiting family, and that leaves me to bachelor-it-up, which I did yesterday with lunch at Greensleeves. It was fun and made better by running into an old friend to have join me. Clearly, I was in St. John’s, which still holds a special place in my heart despite the even bigger special place in my heart taken up by the Wonderful World of Whiteway. Regardless, there’s only one thing to say to eating outside in Newfoundland mid-fall: Cheers!

Working Boat

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I’ll let this beautiful and peacefully Newfoundland scene speak for itself. Well, almost – just this for a comment: one of the many things I’ve enjoyed about running this blog is exploring the art of taking a good photo – there’s so much more to learn than I realized! Thank you to anyone who has stuck with me through all the blurry shots (and I’m sure there will be more!). I really appreciate everyone who reads my blog – I feel blessed to have this new routine of writing and taking photos and sharing life in rural Newfoundland. It’s definitely an added bonus to life out here.

Reel Fun

It only ended in September, but already I’m nostalgic for the food fishery. It’s always fun to take families out on the A Wake at Last, but throwing in some fishing poles really creates a magical experience.

So we were really happy to take out Fonda, her son, Henry, and her mom, Lynn. Fonda is a talented graphic designer and friend – she has done work with The Berry, and she did our new branding. We were so happy that they enjoyed their stay in The Partridgeberry, loving their weekend and their view and, especially, the fishing. Lynn caught the biggest fish of the day, and Henry helped reel it in. And I’m sure all helped to eat it!

Let’s Hear it for the Boys

While we don’t have any specific group excursions standing on offer, we love it when potential guests approach us with ideas – we’re flexible and happy to accommodate. Last Spring, we were overtaken for a girls’ scrapbooking weekend. This weekend, some men got a turn!

The group, led by Mike Collins and Peter Gill (Peter also has a great St. John’s vacation home for anyone interested), booked the Whiteway cottages and our house for a Golf/Football/Cards Overnight Getaway. We moved out of the house, took a Heart’s Delight cottage and left Joe in charge. Always up for the challenge, when the boys came back from 18 holes of golf at Pitcher’s Pond Golf Course, Joe had a huge pot of moose stew, chicken wings, chips and salsa, and a host of snacks waiting. They had all they could eat and drink and had a wonderful day in the WWW.

The next morning, the group woke up to a full-on-continental breakfast. They told us they can’t wait to do it all again, and we hope they do – they were a great bunch of guys and it was a wonderful experiment. It was a lot of fun for them and for us – the perfect combo. Maybe their Significant Others would like to try it out – why should the guys have all the fun?!

Tuesdays with Murphy: First Mate Murphy

I don’t know what Jerry and The Berry did before I came to Ocean Delight Cottages. Who took them for walks, who kept their feet warm at night, who kept Jerry company while he writes on his computer early in the morning? And, most importantly, who was the First Mate of the A Wake at Last?

Regardless, I’m happy to assume all these duties, even if I haven’t quite mastered my sea legs yet. I certainly enjoyed the food fishery, when Jerry was out fishing and needed someone to clean and lick all the fish that came aboard. Maybe by the time it rolls around next year, I’ll be promoted from First Mate to Captain!

Birthday Berry

We love Thanksgiving, and this weekend we had more to be grateful for than the usual life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. That’s because we also celebrated The Berry’s birthday.

We marked the day with a small gathering of close friends – the best way to celebrate, in my book. Alf and Hilda came over, as did my brother David and The Berry’s son, Adrian. We also welcomed Donna and Barry Imhoff (owners of Simply Amish in St. John’s) who The Berry does work for and have become friends. They were in The Blueberry Cottage for the weekend.

And of course rounding it off was Joseph, who did all the cooking as part of his birthday gift.

We had a pancake brunch, and then Laurelyn got to spend the day relaxing and enjoying the A Wake at Last – good because she normally works far too much. And then a nice evening lingering over good food and good conversation. So, yes, we have lots to be thankful for!

Gives me Butterflies

It was magic and surreal!

We have sedum, a pretty flower, in our rock garden, and I discovered it one day filled with butterflies. And I think for everyone in my family, butterflies are closely tied with our late brother, Jack.

When Jack passed a butterfly appeared, and it followed us everywhere we went. Then it came to rest on his grave and stayed there for the longest time. I sometimes think it was Mom leading him home. Whenever I see a Monarch butterfly now I think of Jack and Mom and other loved ones we have lost.

So imagine the thrill as I approached the garden to find the sedum covered with beautiful butterflies (I counted 14 in all – the size of my family). When I reached it there were only six left and they just wouldn’t leave. It made me think of Mom, Dad, Ken, Leo, Patrick and Jack.

I wonder if while we are on earth we are caterpillars. Then we die and go into the darkness of the cocoon only to emerge as beautiful butterflies.  It’s a a nice thought, and it’s how I like to think of those who have gone.

Regal Eagles

If we had a fifth cottage in Heart’s Delight, we could have to call it The Eagle. I’ve never lived in a place where seeing them is such a regular occurrence – especially when we’re out on the boat and can see all the cliffs up close. They’re really something – hard to see one and not loose your breath for a minute. Especially when you know that with their vision, they’re probably sizing you up in close detail!(And a Happy Birthday to LL, too!)

Fishy Friday

The last food fishery of the year has come and gone. It was a little shorter than the one this summer (check out shots from that one here), but still fun – I was out 9 out of 10 days and always caught my limit.  Last weekend we were happy to take our guests-turned-friends (they’ve been here a lot!) LeighAnne and BJ out for a spin in the A Wake at Last.  Nothing beats fresh fish when you’re enjoying a weekend getaway!

Age Before Beauty

Here’s my beautiful, ugly sculpin, caught last weekend (thanks to LeighAnne for the great shots!). We used to catch these for fun when we were kids playing on the cliffs of Torbay. I used to consider them ugly but now think they are quite gorgeous. One of the benefits of aging!