And Congratulations, Nicole and Mark!

wedding couple at The Doctor's HouseA big, hearty congratulations (again!) to Nicole and Mark, who recently got married at The Doctor’s House. We’ve been blessed with dozens of couples this season, and I try my best to get some face time in with each one. I’m not always lucky enough to catch them right after their ceremony, though, like I did here.

This beautiful couple has family here in Newfoundland, and across the pond in the UK, so it was a diverse crowd, and a gorgeous day. We wish them all the best on their new journey together. If you’d like to see more photos, please see here!

One More Hurrah for Hedi and Dave

couple at the doctor's houseIt’s always a blessing when couples choose to get married at The Doctor’s House – it’s an honour we don’t take lightly. And we’re always doubly grateful when they share some of their stunning photos with us!

This is Dave and Hedi, who recently enjoyed a beautiful ceremony here with us. A beautiful couple, inside and out, we wish them all the best, and thank them for sharing this gorgeous photo, taken by Chad Sharpe. Talk about getting the right moment! (And talk about that dress!).

Happy Monday!

The Doctor's HouseWow: two more weddings under our belt after this weekend, one more week left in August, not long before our Fall Specials kick in. This summer so far has been a bit of a whirlwind, but that’s ok – our Ocean Delight journey has always been an adventurous one. Even when the time flies, we’re having fun, working hard, meeting great people, and always eternally grateful to be able to call such a gorgeous place home. So, here’s to Monday, here’s to time slowing down just a little bit, and here’s to a great summer season so far!

A View

Have a SeatYou gotta love a view. At least we do – the view may in fact be the entire reason we embarked on this Ocean Delight journey. Sam snapped this picture, and like usual, she has a great eye. Reminds me that we’ve got another great view lined up for this afternoon – this time of Charlie Crocker playing live at the Shag It, today from 3-5pm. There’s no cover, our chicken, cheese and broccoli casserole is on special, and of course, we’ve got our world class view. Maybe we’ll see you there!

Specials Galore

Fall Specials at the doctor's houseIf you’re not on our mailing list – sign up now! Just yesterday, we sent out another newsletter, this time outlining all the Fall specials we have coming up at The Doctor’s House (so many it was hard to fit them all in one email – but we succeeded!).

We never spam, of course, but we do like to let our subscribers know about new deals and seasonal specials. So if you’d like to signup, please follow this link – and we’ll be in touch!

A little Salt With That?

salt and pepper shakers I just love all the work that Laurelyn put into the Shag It Cafe, right down to the salt and papper shakers – it doesn’t get any more ‘Newfoundland’ than this! Of course what I love more is the menu (Mac & Cheese on special today!), especially as our busy summer season means we have less time for home cooking for ourselves. Nice to have home cooking right next door – which is what our Whiteway cottage guests always tell us, too!

Desk Mate

cat at our innOne of the perks of working at The Doctor’s House is that you’ve got lots of furry coworkers! Sam snapped this pic of Halloween, clearly on a break and exhausted from all the desk work!

Halloween is one of our barn cats, only a few months old, and clearly growing quite quickly. He’s still a big baby at heart, though, always looking for attention – even if he needs to lie on a few papers to get it!

A Little R&R for the Big Day

wedding day massageYou’d expect some butterflies in your stomach the day before a wedding, so what better way to sooth them with a spa treatment beforehand? That’s what Hedi and her friends did this weekend, right before she got married to Dave in what turned out to be a beautiful (and big!) ceremony. Hedi and Dave are truly a wonderful couple, and we think she deserved every indulgence on her wedding day – don’t you??

We actually have some special spa deals for brides and grooms – you can find them here. And for some more pictures of our latest weddings, see here!


Weekly Spa Specials (and then some!)

spa specialsIt’s with great pleasure that remind you that we have a spa special this week – you can enjoy the 60 minute Aveda Botanical Skin Resurfacing Treatment or the 60 minute Green Science™  Skin-­‐Renewing Treatment for $79 (regular $90).

And I’m also happy to announce that we’ve just extended our Summer Specials at The Doctor’s House, through September 30. Looking for a ‘staycation’ after this non-summer we’ve had? A trip around the bay may be just what the doctor ordered!