Tuesdays with Murphy: Statue Proposal

Why anyone would chose to leave the Wonderful World of Whiteway I don’t know, but Jerry and The Berry sometimes make trips to St. John’s to take care of ‘business’ (doing their business seems to mean something different to them than it does to me!). They’re often talking about their downtown hideaway, which I guess guests can rent, just like they do the cottages. And supposedly downtown there’s some bronze dog statues in beautiful Harbourside Park (all hearsay to me).

Anyway, if these dogs are immortalized in St. John’s, then maybe it’s time Whiteway makes a similar landmark. I think I cut a fine figure – here’s my pose. Any sculptors out there looking for a new job?

Food Fishery Finished

These past few weeks of the recreational food fishery, which ended yesterday, have been quite the experience! I went from not having fished in 20 years, to fishing nearly every day.  We caught so much cod and were able to give so much away to our friends and guests., truly proving that tis more blessed to give than receive – especially when we received so much from the bounty of the sea. Here’s looking forward to September, when we’ll be able to fish again!

We enjoyed our last day by having out The Berry’s son, Adrian, out for his first time fishing. And to thank Alf and Hilda, our guardian neighbours who did so much to help us with the boat, with taking us out in their’s, and with giving so much of their extra fish, we took them out to The Klondike Steakhouse in Bay Roberts. What an amazing 15 days to celebrate!

Sunday Church Blogging: United Church in La Scie

I’ve been so excited about the food fishery and to have the A Wake at Last operational and at the service of our guests that I’ve been neglecting Sunday Church Blogging – but no more! Here’s Zion United Church in La Scie, part of the the most easterly conference of the United Church of Canada, and one of 5 churches in that community.

La Scie is a beautiful community on the Baie Verte Peninsula, with a long history with both the Basque and the French. ‘La Scie’ means ‘saw’ in French and refers to the jagged – and stunning – cliffs surrounding the area. I keep saying it – Newfoundland is a day trippers’ paradise (and Ocean Delight a great starting off point for those day trips!)

Hidden City

A recent article in USA Today Travel calls Newfoundland a “rugged, remote, and yes, strange land,” and that’s so true. Even when you’re at the height of our biggest city – this picture was taken at famous Signal Hill – you can feel like you’re all alone, an explorer in a new world. And then maybe the fog will lift, and you’ll see that you’re actually in a pretty place filled with friendly people – these two pictures were taken on the same day!And just as a friendly reminder, along with our outside-the-overpass cottages, we also have a Downtown Hideaway for rent, conveniently located near all the hotspots of historic St. John’s, if you’re planning on spending a few days in that old, beautiful city. We’re very proud to be able to offer our guests the best of all that Newfoundland can offer – city and country!

Ready for My Close Up

Usually I’m the one taking pictures of my guests – but yesterday I got some great shots from Jim and Judy, a couple we had out on the A Wake at Last about a month ago. They were very kind to pass them along, and now I’m passing them along to you!I especially like the shot they got of our Berry cottages – the ones in Whiteway. What great photographers!

And the Fish Go On

The days of the recreational fishery here in Newfoundland are numbered, so I’m out on the water every chance I get. You may remember LeighAnne and BJ – they were our first guests to have a testimonial featured on this blog. And they came to the cottages to celebrate their 5 year anniversary, so they had to get a turn on the A Wake at Last – that’s BJ above with his bounty.

We’ve also had out a couple from England – Dr Philip Knights is a man of the cloth, which may have helped us fill our quota in under an hour!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Public Relations

Every day I love Whiteway more and more, so I need to make sure Jerry and The Berry remain vigilant in their customer service so we can stay here forever. They do a good job, but just in case, I’ve appointed myself Public Relations Manager. Who better to greet guests and show them a good time than someone golden, smiling, friendly, gentle ….. (I could go on, but you know me – not one to brag!).

So, I make my rounds to see all the guests and make sure they’re having a good time. Playing fetch is proving to be quite the people pleaser, and it’s a mutually beneficial activity – they love throwing stuff into the ocean, and I love retrieving it.  Just like Ocean Delight, it’s a win-win!

Loads of Cod

Of course, you can’t separate Newfoundland – our history, our identity, our triumphs and struggles – from the cod fishery. And somehow, despite – or because of – everything, cod is in our bones – and now, thanks to the current recreational fishery, on our plates and the plates of our guests every supper! For a few weeks now in the summer, and later in September, residents and non-residents alike are allowed to catch up to 5 fish a day, and we’re all taking advantage! The fishing’s good and easy, the fish are fresh and tasty, and I have an excuse to be out on the A Wake at Last every day – as if I needed one!

Happy Anniversaries

Laurelyn and I fell in love with our cottages over a romantic weekend, so we know how special this place can be to couples looking to get away. So we’re thrilled when other couples get to experience what we did, and we’ve had lots of couples celebrating anniversaries. Here’s Katie and Sean Kelly from Burlington, celebrating their first. Beyond the fresh fish all our guests are getting upon arrival now that we’re in the middle of the recreational fishery, we also had a bottle of Joe Friday’s wine waiting for them. And of course, they got a trip out to the bay! They ended the night with a fire and a sunset. Sounds like a good anniversary if ever there were one!