Our First Testimonial, From LeighAnne

Here’s LeighAnne and Brandon (BJ), guests we’ve enjoyed hosting so many times that they’re starting to feel like family. We always look forward to their visits, and, as their feedback shows, so do they! Their last email to us was so touching, that I asked if I could share on our blog as our first testimonial. Here it is (written by LeighAnne):

“It was so true what I said about (Ocean Delight) being our Oasis. We absolutely LOVE it there. If it wasn’t for going broke in the process, I would be out there every weekend! I tell everyone about it all the time. We can’t wait to spend our 5 year anniversary weekend out there. We have traveled around to many cottages in this province and never once have we experienced the hospitality that we experience EVERY time we’re there with you. We love your cottages, we love the hospitality, we love you guys… we love everything about the entire experience. I guess that’s why we keep coming back again, and again and again… and will continue to do so!

Thanks so much, we both really, REALLY needed that on Thursday evening.

LeighAnne and BJ”

Tuesdays with Murphy: Walking Trail Business

My humans insist on taking me to Jimmy Rowe’s Walking Trail whenever they get the chance. I still don’t know who Jimmy is, but I don’t complain – the trail is pretty and involves a lake, so what’s not to like? Plus, Jerry and The Berry get so happy when they get a bit of “free time” (I don’t know what that means, either – I’m always free to play, even on my leash!) that we have lots of fun.

They also find it so funny when I stop at this, ahem, fire hydrant to do my business. They had to take a picture of me next to it, calling it Murphy’s Rock. I have no idea why – can you enlighten me?

Fishy Memories

If you look closely above, you can see little boats circling Shag Rock – there’s lots out there because the recreational, three-week food fishery has begun. People out here in the the Wonderful World of Whiteway have been looking forward to this chance to fish for weeks – nearly everyone with a boat, or with a friend with a boat, will be out to catch their 5 fish limit, I’d say. There’s certainly lots more activity on our bay, as I’m sure there is across the island.

Of course, we went out with friend and neighbour, Alf, who also, of course, helped me pick out all the gear we needed. We also brought some guests out – including an 8-month pregnant woman. I’d had to drive out to St. John’s earlier to pick them up, since they’d had a hard time getting a car rental (note to future guests: make sure to book yours early, and feel free to let us know if you’re having trouble!). We filleted the fish for them, too. What can I say – I like to be a good host, and I like to fillet fish!

Lying in bed Sunday morning and hearing all the activity offshore certainly brought back memories, and I’m sure it would for anyone in my generation. I remember when Torbay (my hometown) was covered with “The Little Boats of Newfoundland”  and you could virtually walk across the bay going from boat to boat.  You could hear the “putt-putt” of the single cylinder engines early in the morning as almost everyone in the town was involved in the fishery. That has all changed now, of course, but this morning was reflective of days gone by.  It made me feel very grateful to be living near the water, so I could experience the excitement again. And clearly Joe Friday could barely contain his excitement either!

Our Pleasure

We’re starting to get good feedback from our guests, hearing that they are enjoying themselves out here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway as much as we are.  Since my days at GMIST, our focus here has been on giving out guests not just rooms, but experiences – and, as we’re learning, there’s nothing altruistic about that – we’re loving every minute of it.

Not only do we get to share our love of this province, we’re meeting great families like you see here – Angela, Jean, Mikayla and Matthew. If you remember, I mentioned Clifford helped us by bringing fresh fish to our guests – well, these are the guests that enjoyed that!

To call this family sweet is an understatement, just like saying we had fun hosting them would be. Of course a trip out in the A Wake At Last was called for. Their grandmother, Jean, had been to every province in Canada except this one, and it was great to see her confidence climbing into the boat – I’ve have had to bring the lower dock for people half her age. Truly inspirational, and we’re truly privileged to have been part of their trip to this beautiful island.

Smell the Rose

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Here’s me trying out my new skills on a rose I gave The Berry (what, me, a die-hard romatic?). I think it looks pretty good!

And who says you can’t work and play hard? That’s what we’ve been trying to do at least. Learning the ropes, getting everything operational, commandeering the A Wake at Last, dealing with the busy summer season – we knew it would be a lot of work, but maybe not as much work as it’s been. So there’s only one way to deal with craziness around you, and that’s by carving out time for yourself. That’s why every day The Berry and I make sure we have a little ‘us’ time, even if it’s just taking a moment to smell the (sometimes literal) roses. And that’s why despite the workload, I still find time to enjoy the hammock my daughter gave me for Father’s Day. Today’s Saturday, so I hope your weekend, even if eventful, has a few quiet minutes for you to recharge your batteries!

Happy 25th!

This happy couple are wonderful guests Tony and Valda from Marysvale, whom we were happy to welcome to our Osprey cottage for their 25th anniversary. What a great couple they are – and what a milestone! We sent over flowers and cards and, of course, took them out for a spin on the A Wake at Last.

We almost didn’t make it out. I’m going to start sounding like a broken record here (or, maybe I’ll just sound like I have a broken boat!), but this time around we needed to replace two props and – you guessed it – it was neighbour and friend Alf yet again who helped get us operational. And operational she was – taking us out to Shag Rock at 60 km/hour!

Happy Anniversary again to Tony and Valda – we’re honoured to have been part of your celebrations!

Rough Guides

Last weekend we had the pleasure of welcoming Stephen Keeling, an author for Rough Guides, the UK travel guide publisher, to our cottages. What a great guy! We had fun taking him out to Shag Rock, having Iceberg beer on the deck, and going to Brown’s for awesome fish and chips.  Stephen also met Clifford George, the ultimate Whiteway ambassador, at the Heart’s Content Cable Museum (Cliff’s there painting).

Stephen’s fellow guests at the Puffin (Angie, Gene, Mikayla and Matthew, also all great!) were looking for some fresh fish, and when Clifford heard about it, he offered up some – and even drove it out since I couldn’t (see? ultimate ambassador!).

When we dropped Stephen off, there was fresh cod and cod tongues waiting on the stove. And a beautiful sunset to match! And all were happy to their Heart’s Delight!

Whiteway Days

We’ve had some great experiences with guests lately that I can’t wait to write about, but with my love of the Wonderful World of Whiteway I’d be remiss if I didn’t share something The Berry and I are very excited about – the upcoming Whiteway Days, starting this Sunday. This year we’ll be celebrating not only 100 years of Whiteway Days, but also a Come Home Year, so we think it is going to be extra special. Also extra special because this will be our first!

Starting this Sunday, July 22 (also my youngest daughter’s birthday!), community activities will run to to the following Saturday. Here’s the events planned:
July 22 – Mummer’s Parade, Music and Fireworks on the Beach – not to be missed!
July 23 – Pot Luck Dinner, ‘History of Whiteway’ slideshow
July 24 – Magic Show, Afternoon Tea and Bake Sale, Evening Hypnotist Show (should be a laugh)
July 25 – Pancake/Toutons Breakfast, Kids’ Activities, Old Fashioned Bingo
July 26 – Family Golf Tournament, Jigs’ Dinner and Screen-In for CFAs (that’s Come-from-Aways, ie, Non-Newfoundlanders!)
July 27 – Fishing Contest (got to get my brother in on that one!), Dory Races, Adult Fun Night
July 28 – Community Breakfast, Horseshoe Tournament, Go-Kart Races, Games and Competitions, Evening Adult Dance featuring Heartland Band
July 29 – Folk Festival, Art Show, Car Show

If there’s anything I’ve learned since coming out to Whiteway, it’s that our neighbours are creative, caring, fun-loving people, so I cannot wait to celebrate this little town with them. Hopefully we’ll see some blog-readers out there, too – it’ll be fun!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Devon or Bust

I have to give it to them – my humans are doing wonders for my health out here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway. Here I am sunning myself after a refreshing dip in some fresh water off Jimmy Rowe’s Walking Trail (not sure who this Jimmy is? He never seems to be around whenever we’re there!).

My humans also feed me a lamb and rice diet. That plus these wicked (good) Omega 3 supplements, and my coat doesn’t just shine, it glistens. My pads are getting harder, and I have more energy than ever.

All this to say that I hope I made a good first impression on my neighbour, Devon (there we are, below). She’s certainly not without her charms. I hope she likes the strong, silent type!

Happy Guests = Happy Jerry

If you follow this blog you know I rave about this new life and all the opportunities to meet new people. Here’s another perfect example – our wonderful guests Gail and Rhonda, two fun and fun-loving gals we recently hosted. They loved the Blueberry Cottage – with all its color coordinating and complementary accents, it is a warm and inviting place. And they took to calling me and Joe Friday, ‘Buddy Wasisname and the other fella’ – too perfect.

Of course I had to take Gail and Rhonda for a ride and picnic on the A Wake at Last. I wanted their week to be ‘freedom plus’ from all the stress of the city – and I think it was. They told us they didn’t want to leave! I told them we have long term rentals!Shag Rock or bust!