A Year on a Whim

What a difference a year makes! This weekend was the 1 year anniversary of whenThe Berry and I first came together to Ocean Delight, these stunningly beautiful ocean-front cabin rentals.

The Berry had already been and wanted to bring me back. She wanted to come for a weekend, but I love St. John’s and was able to negotiate coming for just one night. But the Wizard of Shag Rock (or Shagarella, his bride – a.k.a. Lisa Day) cast a spell on us, and we learned the previous owners were planning to sell. On a whim, we put together a business plan that would forever change out lives.

We abandoned other careers, moved in together and moved out here to the Wonderful World of Whiteway. We have worked like Murphy’s (Murphy’s our new dog by the way!) and it is only the beginning. We have made new and wonderful friends, and we love them and we love it here. Life is like a Disney ride and I don’t want to get off!

My body is full of bruises from all the physical work (and I never bruise), but I am healthier by 20 years. Strong, healthy and free – is there anything else to ask for?

So to celebrate we planned a romantic night in our boat under a crescent moon – anchored and floating away on A Wake at Last, rocked to sleep by the Atlantic Ocean. Gear stored, engines set, we set our coarse for Bay Bulls Island and headed out to sea. But the excitement was soon swamped when both engines dies about two miles past Shag Rock (obviously we had done something to upset the Wizard!).

It was Alf and Hilda who came to the rescue – Hilda telling us that the Awake at Last must have gone back to sleep. They towed us back to the safety of the shore – a little disappointed but happy to have such wonderful friends.

Naturally inclined to make lemonade out of lemons, we lit a fire on the beach, roasted marshmallows and wieners with friends Alf and Hilda, Lisa and Randy, and Joe Friday, told a few “boating and captain” jokes and shared stories over wine and starlight. And sweet Murphy got a night in heaven, playing in the water with lots of people to throw him sticks.

A good night and a good time, and a metaphor for our new life at these Newfoundland cottages – it doesn’t always go according to plan, but with good friends and the right attitude, you make things work. Throw a beautiful dog and Shag Rock into the mix, and you’ve got the recipe for paradise.

Rex on the Rocks


Our friend and neighbour Lisa Day thinks Molly, Joe Friday’s Devon Rex, is a faerie cat, and I can’t say I disagree. There is something mystical about her eyes! When Joe moved into his new place (which, as I said yesterday, is thankfully still near our own ocean-front cottages), Molly got some rare outside-time on the rocky beach! I’m not sure if Joe is going to be letting her out more often, but she did seem to take to it, a true Newfoundlander!

Joe Friday’s New Diggs


If you follow this blog you know that my brother, Joe, lovingly nicknamed Joe Friday, loves the Wonderful World of Whiteway and our ocean-front cabins as much as we do. And now he has a cottage of his own – right on the water, near-by Ocean Delight, and perfect for him and Molly, his beautiful Devon Rex cat. We’re really happy that Joe has such a great place that is so close-by. Perfect and just in time for summer!Look at this secluded beach and view he has – simply divine!I try to reward Joe with a treat but he doesn’t go for it like Murphy does!

Landing in Newfoundland: Soon a Little Easier!

I was in town this week because I am a board member for the St. John’s Airport Authority and we had a meeting. Our CEO Keith Collins gave a talk about “Looking forward.  Moving upward,” all about our new Category 3 Instrument Landing System. This state of the art system will bring our landing success from around 94 to 99%., meaning that 100,000 people won’t be stranded next year (with daughters that live off-island, I can commiserate on that one!).

According to Keith, all of the flights that had to be cancelled so far this year due to weather would have gotten in if we had this upcoming system in place.  And since we are the foggiest city in Canada, it is only appropriate that we will be the third airport in Canada to have it.

The airport of course has a significant economic impact the on the region (and our cabin rentals) – 80% of all visitors to Newfoundland fly in through it.  So no wonder one of the sponsors for the luncheon was Destination St. John’s.

And by the way, did you know that St. John’s is ranked #7 in all the world for airports our size and #47 in the world, regardless of the size.  Amazing, as we strive to be #1. I’ve always loved the St. John’s Airport – not just because being there means either I’m coming home or a loved one is, but because I think it really is a showcase of Newfoundland ingenuity and architecture. And with this new system coming, it will really be something to be proud of!

Christening “Awake At Last”

We Christened the “Awake at Last,” our beautiful Boston Whaler, on Father’s Day – an what a Father’s Day gift it was. We took her to Shag Rock, moored off Long Point Cove (in front of our Heart’s Delight ocean-front cabins), took some pictures, enjoyed naps and champagne, and had a great afternoon on the water. What a day, thanks to the help and kindness of Alf Harnum, our wonderful neighbour, mentor and guardian! Ahhh, a wake at last in “Awake at Last!” Now we can’t wait for the Canada Day long weekend (check the Current Specials to learn about our Weekend Special so you can join us) to take this baby out and really celebrate!

Class Photos

Here are the class photos from this past Saturday’s Spring Hare digital photography class, where I learned to take world class photos! It was a great class – we learned lots about support equipment (lenses, filters, flashes, etc) but also and more importantly, about controlling light through aperture, shutter speed, and ISO ratings.

It was a great class, with active participation and familiar faces, led by the amazing Dennis Flynn, who did a great job with such a diverse class. If you ever get the opportunity to take a class with him, do it!

My daughter tells me my pictures are already looking better and that she’s amazed I could sit through a class and learn something. Not sure if I should thank her or smack her!

Below is a picture of the art class than ran concurrently with our digital photograph one. Don’t be fooled into thinking there’s no culture around the bay! I’ve been immersed in more since moving to our little ocean front cabins than I have in my whole life!

Meet Murphy!

We are thrilled to introduce you to the newest addition to our Ocean Delight family – meet Murphy! Murphy is a golden retriever from Petty Harbour whose family just couldn’t keep him anymore. And while he will be missed, and he will surely miss them, he’s such a ‘retriever’s retriever,’ loving chasing sticks into the water for hours, that we hope he’ll love living at his new cabins by the sea as much as we’re already in love with him.

This weekend he spent hours bounding into the ocean – I couldn’t believe the energy! The Berry is solely responsible for this – if it had been up to me, I wouldn’t have been looking for dogs on Kijiji! – but I have to say that this gentle giant already has me hooked! He exudes love and is so gentle, very smart and eager to please. So if you come visit us at the cabins, don’t be surprised if you see him playing in the ocean!

Father’s Day Gifts

It’s Father’s Day, and if you’ll indulge me, I’m skipping my church blogs for a week to share a picture of my three beautiful daughters. Since the day I held my first in the palm of my hands, my daughters have taught me unconditional love and the true gift of giving, and given me the feeling of a warm wind always at my back.

As my girls have grown up and I’ve moved away from the caregiver role to that of loving spectator, I have been blessed to see them mature into strong women. They don’t live near me now, and while I miss them I am not sad, because I have always wanted them to have wings and passions and to be citizens of the world.

So on this Father’s Day, I’m wishing you a day of sweet reflection on the wonderful gifts that having a family means, and (as I do on a regular basis), I am thanking my daughters for all the fun, thoughts, love and enjoyment they have given me. And Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there!

Dinner in Paradise

There is perfection, and then there is perfection in the Wonderful World of Whiteway. After a hard day’s work, nothing beats a dinner on our deck while we watch the ocean, Shag Rock, and the setting sun. Especially when there’s fresh seafood to be had, all topped off with The Berry’s own (and mighty delicious) partridgeberry bread pudding with ice cream. A treat for any pallet, a gift for any soul!Yesterday we introduced a new friend to Ocean Delight (stay tuned!) and today I take a digital photography course. So expect new things on our blog this summer!