Awestruck in Whiteway, thanks to the Horse Lady

After spending a weekend in Whiteway last summer, I fell in love immediately and knew we would love it here. I just didn’t know to expect the people to be so awe-inspiring, too. Here I am with one of the many world class artists who call this their home – Renee Butler-Harnum. Renee is truly gifted and truly special. She’s also the “Horse Lady,” known for her love of animals. I strongly recommend you watch this Land and Sea program featuring her, not only to learn about her story, but also to get a sense of what life is like out here.

As you can see, the Wonderful World of Whiteway has a bit of everything – artists, musicians, wonderful neighbours, and kindness everywhere. Below is one of Renee’s pieces that was displayed at the Spring Hare. Enjoy!

Fresh Fish Followup

If you love fresh seafood, Newfoundland is your paradise. I’m sure it’s one of the reasons we get so many tourists. And as I blogged a few days ago, we were treated to some delicious fresh and local lobster last week – a treat fit for a king (or a queen actually, as I’m mildly allergic – boo! – so it was The Berry who enjoyed them).

Those lobsters (lets call them what they were – monsters!) were so big, we saved a claw for Laurelyn’s son, Adrian – who got to enjoy it when he came out this weekend to help us celebrate Mother’s Day (I hope you all had a good one, by the way). So here he is enjoying the monstrous beast! Ironically enough, Laurelyn’s son is named Adrian, and we named our first daughter Adrienne. Coincidence?And there you have it – the end of the perfect lobster. I’m a classic Jim Carrey fan, and I can’t help but think about this scene from Liar Liar when anyone mentions ‘the claw.’ Too funny.

The Eagle Has Landed

So it’s official – our friend Albert Legge is our resident photographer.  If you’ve been following our blog, you may remember that our new neighbour and friend Albert has an eye for photography and often shares his shots with us, like he did with another eagle awhile ago. This big guy visited a few days ago, so Albert whipped out the camera.

This is quite the bird! We shall call him the King of Whiteway, as he looks down on us. We’ve named our 4 Heart’s Delight cottages after local birds – maybe we made a mistake not calling one ‘The Eagle!’

Lobster Mania

Feast your eyes on these babies – like we got to do when our friend and neighbour, Alf, called up to see if we wanted some lobsters. I have a mild allergy, so said we could only take two – one for The Berry (Laurelyn), one for Joe Friday. And just look at these monsters he cooked for us! The claw on the male (the one on the left) was bigger than my hand.

So when Alf showed up, we rushed to the liquor store in Green’s Harbour to buy two bottles of Bolla Pinot Grecio, then sat down to a feast – The Berry and Joe having magnificent sea food, and me, meatballs and bread. Does that sound fair to you?

They devoured one and and a half lobsters, leaving the rest for Laurelyn’s son, Adrian, who also loves them. Nothing beats fresh sea food (and plenty of that around here!).

Carbonear Iceberg


What a year for icebergs! Resident photographer Albert Legge sent us these shots he got from Carbonear, another town on the Baccalieu Trail. You can see a boat passing by in the following pics, which gives you a sense of scale. These suckers aren’t small!And here’s a gull on the rocks, for good measure. As if those icebergs weren’t enough for boats to worry about back in the day!

Discovering Shag Rock

Alf Harnum, our wonderful neighbour, dropped by yesterday to see if we wanted to go to local landmark, Shag Rock, about 1.5KM out in the water. We jumped (in the boat) at the chance and headed out Whiteway Bay. It was a beautiful day on the water and we got a chance at up close and personal with the anomaly.

And just in case you have a dirty mind, we found out they call it ‘Shag’ Rock because it’s full of cormorants – big, black and sleek diving birds. They make it their home. And locally cormorants are known as ‘shags.’ So get your mind out of the gutter!

Yip, our maiden voyage in Whiteway Bay, and I was like a kid again (except when I was a kid we didn’t have an experienced captain or life jackets in the boat!). What a perfect day for a ride – thanks, Alf!P.S. Cannot wait to get our own boat out in the water – I just finished the qualification course online. My grades: 90%, 100%, 100%, 90%, 90%. (what, me brag?)

And one last video:[wpvideo ijLKrXUb]

Growing Garden

As I wrote last week, we built a flower bed beside the house, and The Berry has been itching to try out her green thumb since we bought the place. Which is exactly what she did this weekend. She almost finished, but we need more plants (another excuse to hit up Kijiji! You can find anything on there!)

These plants are like us – we got them last year, and they wintered at our place in St. John’s. Now they too are beginning a new life in the Wonderful World of Whiteway!

Spring Hare Fun

Well, Whiteway’s Spring Hare is all said and done, and it was wonderful. The Spring Hare is an annual story-telling, poetry reading and art display event that celebrates local talent and art. This year was a full house, with fantastic art work and entertainment, great food and drink. What a potpourri of talent we have in this province. If you missed this event, don’t worry – Whiteway will have another art show this year as part of the Come Home Year Celebration. We’ll keep you posted!

As promised, here are some shots from the event. The first couple were taken by Albert Legge (and thanks to him – most of ours came out fuzzy – lets blame that on our camera!)

Me with the lovely Lisa Day, President of the Spring Hare Committee – thanks, Lisa!Captive audience. Bonus points if you can find Joe Friday and The Berry!And here’s the famous Albert Legge!The great Dr. Gerald Squires.And the Hare Broom Award goes to Gerry Squires!Art from the lovely Renee Butler-Harnum.And from the equally lovely Clifford George.And here’s Clifford with Jane Prior.And the Hare Broom Award to Tom Dawe, too!

Hard to believe all this was a free event! Can’t wait til next year!

Sunday Church Blogging: Whiteway’s first entry!

If you remember, I started my Sunday church blogging ritual to celebrate the different churches I’ve photographed along the way in the many different towns around the island – Newfoundland is a day-tripper’s paradise, and most of my church posts so far have been from past trips.

But I finally got out to take some shots of closer churches, which leads me to today’s: St. George’s, Whiteway’s Anglican church.  The earliest records of Anglican churches in the area go back to the 1800s. Today, the 4 in the immediate area share a single vestry, and are an integral part of the community.

And if you were lucky, maybe you got St. George’s Day off a few weeks ago – it’s still an official holiday in Newfoundland! (Note: The Spring Hare was fabulous yesterday – will post pictures tomorrow!)