Happy Trails

Now that the weather is getting better we’ve started the journey of exploring the many walking trails in the area. The most popular around is probably the Witch Hazel Trail, one that offers apparently stunning views of Heart’s Delight and the bay. But we’ve also got trails that start right outside our Heart’s Delight cottages, which as you see here were the first we explored. Yes, that’s Laurelyn’s pink hat, and no, there were no other options, and yes, I was secure enough in masculinity to use it!

‘Our’ trail has no name as such so for now we’re calling it the Long Point Trail. It connects from our cottages to Islington going north, and to Cavendish and beyond going south. We haven’t walked it all yet, but locals tell us it is a fabulous trail with beaches, coves and different challenges. Looking forward to all the weekend hikes on this one!

Shamrock and Beauty

And the Pony Posts keep coming. Here we are with Shamrock and his mother, Beauty, two of the most gorgeous Newfoundland ponies! As you walk toward the fence, they gallop towards you like giant Newfoundland dogs. They are so cuddly and affectionate – I am normally afraid of horses, but not these two, with their warm and friendly aura. Shamrock especially took a liking to Laurelyn.

These two magnificent creatures are ambassadors of the Fields of Athen-ry County Inn and Spa in Green’s Harbour (about 5 miles from here), and they greet you as you enter. This resort is truly a stunning, rated #2 in the world and #1 Canada by EnRoute magazine in 2011. The owners, Kevin Nolan and Robert Hall, premier designers and developers, have turned it into a mystical, magical place. And we got a tour on Saturday, complete with chickens, geese, ducks, waterfront and amenities that you have to see to believe.

Now that I’m exploring the region I am stunned by all we have to offer out here. This resort offers something completely different from our cottages, but both are so special and unique – so there truly is something for everyone. And no shortage of ponies to visit!

Scrapbooking Weekend Delight

This weekend we hosted out First Annual Scrapbook Club Weekend, organized by Nicole Butler (check out her site for great scrapbooking supplies) and catered by us and Joe Friday. 5 wonderful ladies took over our place, which gave Laurelyn and me an excuse to spend the night at our Heart’s Delight cottages. Our guests got to spread out and work overlooking the ocean, and we got a change of scenery – so a great weekend was had by all!

Joe Friday really went above and beyond – so much so that the women threatened to take him back with them! We’re so happy to have (in their words!) exceeded their expectations, and they’ll be back in November. It really is fun to branch out and see what new ways we can make these cottages cater to the needs of different guests – so far it’s allowed us to get creative, and meet some great people in the process. Thanks, Joe Friday!

We got to enjoy a peaceful breakfast by the beach.

And in the end, homemade Thank You cards ….. thank you ladies for a great weekend, and we can’t wait to have you back.

Sunday Church Blogging: First United Church Corner Brook

Today’s great Newfoundland church is Corner Brook’s First United. Presbyterians in the area began meeting for worship in family homes as early as 1876, and then this church was built in 1889. I got this shot on a sunny day a few years ago, and it really was lovely.

Corner Brook is of course on our island’s west coast, and is a great city with lots to offer.  It’s a long drive from the cottages, but a lot of tourists who come here like to rent a car and hit the road – a good choice!

First Aussie’s

Here’s recent guests, Bob and Julia Nield, who were our first from Australia. It was a delight to have them and to have a chat before they left for Trinity, which I’m sure they’ll love. Unlike me, they have strange accents and talk fast!

Australia is definitely on my bucket list. I got pretty close with a trip to Thailand. Would love to know any hints on best time of year, where to go, etc, for travelling there from anyone who’s been.

Neighbourhood Trout

We were lucky the other day to get a call from Alf, another wonderful neighbour out here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway, saying he had some trout (count em – 11!) if we wanted them. We love trout, and hadn’t had any in a long time, but you know me – not wanting to impose, we politely declined (Not!!). They made a great lunch. Alf has also brought us moose steak and sausages lately – we’re really spoiled out here.

We’re heading back to the Wonderful World of Whiteway today. Who knows what new wonders (and fish!) await us …

Spring in STJ

I took these shots yesterday on the oldest street in North America. It was 9 am and nearly 20 degrees in April – I needed someone to slap me to see if I was dreaming. This has been the best April I can remember, no matter where I’ve lived – and that has included down south, so that’s saying something. I feel truly blessed with all the sunshine (today’s rain be damned), and I’m sure my fellow Newfoundlanders feel the same!

Today’s grey skies notwithstanding, the trees are budding, the flowers are coming up, and the grass is turning green. This is awesome – people have been out in their short sleeves. Gotta love it!

No So ‘Boring’ Park

Yesterday was bright and sunny in St. John’s, where we’re back for a few days, so I took advantage of the weather with a trip Bowring Park. I couldn’t count the number of times I took my girls here when they were little, for picnics and to feed the ducks. They didn’t know how to pronounce it so for them, we were always going to “Boring Park.”

Of course it’s anything but boring, especially on days like yesterday when everyone was out it tee-shirts and smiles. I’m pretty sure we’ve had more sunshine in the past month than we did all Spring last year – hopefully a harbinger of nice seasons to come.

I have two hidden spots in Bowring Park where I like to take picnics and feel like I’m hiding out in the middle of the city. Everyone needs a quiet space where they can escape – do you have any in St. John’s? I’m always on the lookout for more!

Horsing Around Town

On Sunday we were lucky enough to get a call from our new friend and neighbour, Clifford George, offering a horse ride with him and Renee Butler-Harnum to me, Laurelyn, and Janet, our guest staying at the cottages. Renee is another great painter and horse lover/owner, with a beautiful Friesian, and another great new neighbour and friend.

The horses were ecstatic to be out the mostly sunny Sunday, and so were we. When was the last time you were in a horse-drawn carriage? I’m hoping to get out in one again when I visit my daughter in Victoria in a few weeks.

A Hand from (and for) Firemen

As you may have already read, we’ve been updating our cottages, making them more our ‘own,’ and that has meant new furniture. Which of course also has meant a basement full of old furniture not being used. In steps the Heart’s Delight – Islington Volunteer Fire Department, who took all 4 truck and 2 trailer-loads to use for their fire training house, which they use for real-life training. Any extra will be given to those in need in the area.

We had a ball moving all the furniture as we got to meet some local firemen. What a great bunch of people out here! Then on Saturday, we celebrated Joe’s birthday with close friends and family and a marshmallow roast – a 2om to 2am type affair, so lots of fun! And again, the local firemen were involved, this time delivering 12 roast beef dinners as part of a fundraising campaign. At $7 a pop and really delicious, we were happy to oblige! It was a wonderful weekend, I hope yours was too, and Happy Birthday once again to Joe (who’s doing it right in this picture – wine in one hand, cake in the other!)