Ok, Winter Dreams, Too

In St. John’s today so I’m not sure what yesterday’s storm did to Whiteway. Hoping it will look this clear and pristine, but assuming some snow clearing awaits. Sometimes I get fed up with the cold, but, really, there’s beauty in all the seasons, and I’m learning that cottages are fun places to hunker down.

Summer Dreams

Because I refuse to give today’s storm any more attention (and because I want to remember that summer exists), here are my “Serenity Now!” thoughts for today:

Me and the Berry, in Cuba (post-election, by the way!)


Visiting my daughters in Vancouver


Enjoying the sunset in Virginia Beach (which I called ‘home’ for 8 years)

Feed the Birds

I’ve gotten into bird feeding – we now have the fattest birds in heaven (our house is called Heaven’s Gate). Our juncos are now puffed little creatures like the Peeps my daughters can’t get enough of at Easter.

Now that Spring is coming, we’re excited for the new birds we’ll be seeing. The namesakes for our Heart’s Delight Cottages – the Gannet, the Loon, the Osprey and the Puffin – will soon be welcome guests. This part of the province is a bird watcher’s paradise, with the bounty in the sea and shore making for easy meals. And easy viewing from the decks of our cottages.

Busy, Busy, Busy!

A busy weekend but a good one. On top of all the moving and building and painting and etc, we also got to meet and register several guests – that’s the fun part that makes it worthwhile.

Now, if you’re looking to book, we promise that every cottage is already gorgeous, stocked, and ready to be enjoyed. But, we’re still new owners, so we’re doing a lot to make the cottages “ours.” Our target is to have everything in place by the end of March so we’ll be completely ready for high season. Can’t wait!

And a busy work day’s not so bad when Laurelyn knows how to cook up a mean tortellini with meatballs, and I know just how to pair it with the perfect red wine – overall, it’s been a great weekend!

Devon Hex

Barely a week into these posts and already I’m cat blogging! This is Molly, the fairy cat, the Devon Rex who has hexed my soul. Thanks to our new friend Nicole Winters for the great picture.

This cat is quite the creature. If it’s possible, she seems to like her new home in Whiteway more than we do. She’s really settled in, and who can blame her?

I never expected to be a cat person. And then you get one and she ropes you in. Expect more posts about Molly in the future. And when you check in at our cottages, don’t be surprised if this little one sneaks a peak!


There was lots of work waiting for us after our return to the cottages yesterday. In the next few days we have to move furniture, (see truck above, those pieces in the back feel permanent), get the satellites fixed,  finish some painting, decorate, and, most exciting of all, welcome guests. It’s been a labour of love, but certainly lots of the labour part!

We were told that in the dead of winter there was no point in being open, but we’ve been lucky to get a lot of positive response from the community. Because really, winter is the perfect time to have a getaway – it’s when you need one most, and we’re accessible (with fireplaces!). So we’ve used this season to learn the business, which is great, and we’ve had some bookings, which is even greater.

With all the work planned this weekend it doesn’t quite feel like TGIF, but at the end of the day when I can enjoy this view from my window, it’s TGI-WWW, the Wonderful World of Whiteway.

Paint the Town Pink

Last night, as the observant can tell from the background of this picture, Laurelyn and I took full advantage of being back in town to hit up the Avalon Mall Empire Theatres. And we also took full advantage of Pink Shirt Day to show our support for this great anti-bullying campaign. I don’t have school-aged children (too old!) or grandchildren (too young!), so I only really learned about this campaign through the social media that I’m now using to promote our cabins.

For years we’ve been hearing about how powerful Twitter and the rest can be, and I’m now really starting to appreciate how influential it can be in raising awareness – not just as a business tool, but for anything you’re passionate about. I love that kids today can build up a network of supporters. It doesn’t answer every problem (and certainly creates some new ones), but I can only imagine what such an anti-bullying campaign would have done in Torbay in the ’50s and ’60s.

(And by the way, the movie we saw was Safe House and it was excellent! Is Denzel awesome or what?)

Community Networking

I spent yesterday at the Canadian Legion in Carbonear, as a board member at an all-day meeting for the Mariner-Regional Opportunities Network (M-RON). This organization is devoted to economic development of the Baccalieu Trail region, and I have been more than happy to dive head first into it (as that’s kind of my modus operandi).

Yesterday was an “Opportunity Management” training session put off by the Regional Economic Development Board. The province has moved to a Performance Based Funding model, where regions get funding based on performance (hence the name). I think this is a good approach, and the seminar was to teach board members how to manage opportunities to maximize funding.

Living in a community means being a part of that community. Now that we are in Whiteway, I want to use my years of experience in whatever way I can to make a contribution to this part of the province.

I’m new to blogging so I almost forgot to whip out my camera and get some shots of the board. And I must be new to photography because most of what I took came out blurry. Here’s the few that came out:

Above is Jennifer Davis, board Member and owner of the beautiful Sophia’s Heritage Inn in Carbonear, with Clyde Wells (no, not that Clyde Wells, and no, not that anyone’s ever made that joke before!), board member and owner of equally lovely Skipper Ben’s B&B in Cupids.

Jennifer chatting with M-RON executive director, Karen Davis (no relation that I’m aware of!).

Big smiles from Clyde and M-RON chair, Gordon Stone. Good times had by all!

Newfoundland Neighbours

I’ve only made a handful of posts on this blog so far and already this is my second lauding the warmth of Newfoundland neighbours. We’ve just been in Whiteway a few months, and already we’ve met scores of fascinating and friendly people we’re proud to call friends.

These pictures were sent to us by one such new friend, Albert. He’s from Whiteway, one of the organizers of the Spring Hare, a dog trainer and avid photographer (see above – just stunning), and an all around good guy. In 2009 he took these pictures of our Chalet – the yellow building up top is where Laurelyn and I live, with the Cranberry Guest Suite attached to the left side – and our view of the sunset.

Albert had these great pictures of our place he thought we could use, so he shared them. That’s what we do in Newfoundland – we anticipate the needs of our friends and neighbours, and we share. That’s how we’ve survived, and that’s why we love our new home in Trinity Bay.

This Wine’s For You

Here’s the wine I’ve had to set aside for our Leap Year Promo – ‘buy one, get one night free’ for anyone who books by the end of February for the offseason.  The first five bookings get a free bottle of wine (or a box of chocolates, guess how many went for wine!).

It’s been great learning about the tourism industry and now trying out new ways to encourage guests to come visit – we love this place and want to share it. I’m living proof that you can teach an old dog new tricks – at least as long as the dog is having fun.