Lots of Weddings

Wedding HallSummer is upon us, and with it – lots of weddings. Love is in the ocean air, and we’re always thrilled whenever a couple decides to share their most important of occasions with us. Here’s The Doctor’s Barn Loft, outfitted for one such wedding last week (more this weekend!). The Barn Loft provides banquet seating for 100 to 200 guests or cocktail reception for up to 360. It’s got authentic barn board floors, traditional arched exposed beam ceiling, large windows and stunning views of Trinity Bay and rolling meadows – plus a walk out to the deck facing the ocean. I may be biased, but it’s one of my favourite spots at The Doctor’s House.

And it’s busy! Again, a big things to all Doctor’s House couples, and stay tuned for some great photos next week! And Happy Sunday!

Happy Fourth of July!

Eagle in WhitewayHappy Fourth of July to all our American guests, past, present and future! I lived several years in the good old USA, and loved just about every American I met. So thankfully, we get lots of visitors from that fine nation each summer.

And – we get lots of eagles here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway, too. So in honour of Independence Day, here’s one captured by our good friend, Albert Legge. You can see some more of his beautiful pictures here, and God Bless America!

What Does Friday Mean?

Chili at our newfoundland cafeIt’s Friday. And do you know what Friday means? Why, the Shag It is open, of course! And starting this weekend, we’ll now be open 6 days a week (!). No more counting down the days!

In full disclosure, this picture features last week’s special – baked beans. Also in full disclosure, they were probably the best baked beans I’ve ever had (because you know I have to sample the merchandise!).

The Shag It Cafe is totally The Berry’s domain, so I really don’t know what’s on the menu for today. But if you follow the Shag It Cafe on Facebook, you’ll probably find our daily specials pretty easily. See you there!

Happy Canada Day!

Moose in NewfoundlandHappy Canada Day from all of us here at Ocean Delight! I’m celebrating with a short post – which might be all the break I get, given our busy summer schedule. Here’s an old shot captured by Clifford George, of a pair of moose strolling through the mean streets of Whiteway. Of course, they’re big animals and you should keep your distance, but they’re quite majestic and fun to spot, too – and just about as pure ‘Canada’ as you can get!

Misty Visits

What a treat it has been to have Misty, our good friend, Clifford’s Clydesdale, stay with us of late. Clifford is trying to breed his pony Annie with a beautiful black stallion – and while they need some privacy, Misty stays with us.

Seeing Misty with the rest of our ponies is a fantastic sight.  They all instantly bonded, and now they run and play, with the ponies chasing Misty around like babies to their mother.  Misty is one graceful, intelligent, gentle creature.  She personifies dignity. Much like Clifford himself. Don’t forget to pay a visit if you’re staying at The Doctor’s House this week.

Pick a Goat, Any Goat

goats at our newfoundland wedding retreatWell clearly there’s no denying it. We’re animal lovers, and we like to ‘go big or go home.’ When we became owners of The Doctor’s House, The Berry and I inherited two lovely Newfoundland ponies. And that was it as far as barnyard animals went.

And today? Wellllll … let’s just say we have a few more running around. And we love it. It wasn’t our goal to keep growing the herd, but when we hear about local animals who need new homes, how can we say no? We are an animal sanctuary, after all.

So new baby goats Jack and Jill and their momma Mel are getting along with goats Bonnie and Rosie, and Nan and her little lamb are getting along with Eweness, the sheep we brought home last year. All in all, it makes for a happy little family, that our guests love visiting (as do we, of course!). And don’t get us started on the 4 Newfoundland ponies …

Sunset Sunday: Renee and Chris

Wedding at the doctor's houseHere’s a fun picture for Sunset Sunday, captured by Sandra Lee Photography. It’s Renee and Chris, who got married at The Doctor’s House this spring. What a beautiful evening, what a beautiful sunset, and what a beautiful couple. We hope you’re enjoying your weekend, and if you’d like to learn more about weddings at The Doctor’s House, please see here.

Save Room!

Dessert at our newfoundland resortHere’s a friendly reminder – if you’re Dining at The Doctor’s House tonight, be sure to leave room for dessert! Our fine dining experience takes about 3 hours, with plenty of time to savour each of your three courses, plus the fresh bread and the amuse-bouche (single, bite-sized hors d’œuvres to cleanse the palate) between each. We’ve enjoyed Executive Chef Stephen Pynn’s creations many times over, and always enjoy the experience.

This dessert is The Berry’s favourite – Dark Chocolate Marquise with Newfoundland and Labrador sea salt and citrus creme fraiche. We also have homemade Sour Cream Donuts with Screech caramel and thyme (my daughter’s favourite), and a Cheese Plate with artisanal cheeses, candied nuts and wild berry compote (my favourite).

Dining at The Doctor’s House is open to everyone – not just overnight guests – but we do ask that you call 709-582-2754 to make a reservation. Perhaps tonight is the night you indulge! Happy Saturday!

How Fresh?

growing greens for our newfoundland cafeYesterday I asked if you preferred cinnamon or chocolate for your cappuccino (consensus on Facebook? it doesn’t really matter when you have that view!). Today, I have an equally important question – how fresh do you like your greens?

These babies arrived at our Shag It deck straight from our greenhouse at The Doctor’s House. We’re working to become a food-to-table restaurant there (at Dining at The Doctor’s House – open tonight!), and at the Shag It, we keep things as fresh as it gets, too. Like salad made from greens you might see your server pick. Indeed, our Whoa Baby salad, which adds dried cranberries, candied pecans, red onion and creamy goat cheese to these greenhouse lettuces and tops it all with homemade partridgeberry vinaigrette, is quite the crowd pleaser.

You can see our complete Shag It menu here, and remember that we’re open today and all weekend, from 11am-7pm. Hope to see you there!