Newfoundland Ponies

Newfoundland poniesWe’re so in love with our Newfoundland Ponies and ever grateful to Dr. Frasier and Clifford George (yes, our wonderful artist, poet, raconteur and friend) for their survival.  Turns out there is a controversy developing as to whether Newfoundland ponies are actually their own distinct breed.  But names have little meaning when you love your flock like we do. Our animals, whether they be Bridie the pony, Eweness the sheep, Rosie the goat, Donald the duck, Peckie the hen, Golden the goose, or Mickey the moose, or any of the wild rabbits, blue jays, hawks, feral cats, or other visitors to our sanctuary, are all precious, welcome and loved.  None will go hungry at our sanctuary.

If we have to put up a fence to protect the flowers, so be it.  If we have to plant more sunflowers to feed the rabbits (that’s all they ate last year – left everything else as is), so be it.  If we have to buy extra feed, so be it.

As we strive to become a Farm to Table organic organization with zero energy footprint,  we will never lose touch with all the wonderful creatures that share our acres. They’re as fundamental to The Doctor’s House as anything else, and we just plain love them, anyway!

Here We Grow Again

Construction at The Doctor's HouseWe’ve been busy beavers this winter, creating a new option for guests that we’re so excited to share.  We’re converting our old barn to a high quality, beautiful guest house. Featuring 4 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, private living area with fridge, microwave, coffee maker and kettle, and private deck and hot tub, The Doctor’s Guest House is perfect for ladies retreats and family getaways. We expect it to be quite popular for wedding parties as well.

Steps away from the main inn, overlooking Hopeall Bay, and nestled between the cedars and the Newfoundland pony pasture, our new guest house will be an ideal place to sit back, take in spectacular views, and relax (perhaps in the hot tub!). Coupled with our goat park, trails, fine dining, and spa, we know guests of The Doctor’s House aren’t just getting a holiday – they’re getting an experience unlike any other.

Construction is well underway, and we’re opening on May 1 (mark your calendars!). To celebrate, we’re offering a Ladies Retreat Special. And make sure to follow us on Facebook to make sure you don’t miss any more exciting news!

Fire and Ice

Fire and IceI’ve seen fire and I’ve seen ice – but what a combo!  The sun was setting, the waves rolling, the ice glistening.  When I saw all three coincident I became an artist (??) and ran down to the water to catch a permanent glimpse.  Here it is – a  moment frozen in time to fire up the imagination (some poetic – what?).  But it was a beautiful end to a wonderful day – hard work day rewarded by a soft and beautiful sunset. Cheers.

Atlantic Ocean

Rupert Leaves Home

Newfoundland kittenFor a Saturday treat, here’s little Rupert,  a Green’s Harbour native living in BC with my daughter, Kathryn.  She met him on her trip home this Christmas, and the rest, as they say, is history. He’s about six months old and thriving. Like many Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, he is prospering away – but just the same he’ll probably never forget his roots on the rock!

New Spring Specials at the Cottages!

Spring at Ocean Delight CottagesThe Berry’s Ocean Delight specials have become quite popular – we’re happy that lots of guests really enjoyed our Stay In ‘N’ Stay Warm package this past winter. So now, in honour of the first day of Spring, The Berry is at it again: introducing the Spring Relax and Refresh.

Our new Spring special features noon checkout, plus a fun snack basket upon arrival, filled with magazines, movies, popcorn and treats. We’ll also provide firewood for your outdoor fire pit, and propane for your personal BBQ – perhaps it’s time to have your first barbeque of the year!

You can find all the details about our Spring special here, and don’t forget that The Doctor’s House, complete with restaurant and Aveda spa, will be opening on April 10 (!). We’ve never been more excited to spring into Spring.

BIG Savings for Tourists!

Ferry to NewfoundlandIf you’ve been dreaming about that road trip to Newfoundland, then this is the summer to do it. For a limited time, Marine Atlantic is offering big savings for Argentia travel. If you book your summer trip by March 25 (hurry – that’s next Wednesday!), you can save 30 % off the base fares for both passengers and automobiles. And remember, the cottages are only about an hour away from the Argentia ferry terminal, if you feel like stopping in!

We’re so happy about this news and the opportunity to share it. We know that Newfoundland is at the top of so many bucket lists, but we all have limited budgets for travel. We hope this will make it just that much easier for more people to come explore this beautiful province. Make sure to let your friends living away know, too – this could be the push they need to make this a come-home year.

Find all the details on the Marine Atlantic website, here.

It’s Beginning to Look a Bit Like Christmas at The Doctor’s House!

Newfoundland in MarchIt was a green AND white St. Patrick’s Day yesterday, thanks to Sheila’s Brush.  A visit to our appropriately named Shamrock and Bridie seemed like a fitting way to spend the holiday (especially since we’d already got our Irish dancing in over the weekend).

Maybe we’re past the point of wanting to snow, but how beautiful and peaceful it looks when freshly fallen. Since we’re lucky enough to work from home, the storm didn’t keep us from working – it just encouraged a little extra cozying up when necessary!

The view here from the kitchen is unbelievable, and the beauty is that it won’t last.  We are expecting one more storm this weekend and that should it.  Sheila will have used all her paint, and Spring will descent upon the Wonderful World of Whiteway and The Doctor’s House in all her glory – bring it on!Newfoundland ponies

Happy St. Patrick’s Day from Jerry and The Berry!

Celebrating St. Patrick's Day in NewfoundlandHappy St. Patrick’s Day from the both of us! For us, celebrating St. Patrick’s Day has become synonymous with havin’ a time at Bridie Molloy’s, and that’s just what we did last Sunday (we knew with the weather, that trekking into St. John’s yesterday might not have been the best option!). Like always, it was a great time, with great food and music, great dancing, and even meeting up with a few old friends. It was just what St. Patrick’s Day should be, and we hope yours is just as rollicking.

Remember that Bridie’s is open all day (breakfast starts at 7:30 – head over before work!) and there’s all sorts of wonderful establishments, all over the city and all over the province, to raise a glass (responsibly!) and toast all things Irish. Cheers!

Celebrating St. Patrick's Day in Newfoundland Old friends celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Newfoundland

Expecting, Eweness?

Sheep on our Newfoudland farmHere’s sweet Eweness, one our favourite four-leggeds at The Doctor’s House (who are we kidding – they’re all our favourites!). We rescued her about a year ago, and at the time we thought she was pregnant.

Well she wasn’t pregnant then …. but she might be now! Perry Oliver, our animal whisperer extraordinaire, says there’s a 90%+ chance we’ll be hearing the pitter patter of little hooves soon.  He said he will know for sure in about two or three weeks when her milk comes through, and he’s expecting a May baby. Or should be was babies – Perry thinks it might be twins!

So stay tuned to the blog – especially since we’ll be looking for help naming the new lambs! With (potential) babies on the way, and even more flowers expected this year given the amount of bulbs we planted last Fall, we’re expecting a very Spring-y Spring this year!

Sunset Sunday: Our Back View

Sunset in NewfoundlandYes – this is the view that we share with all 4 of our Whiteway cottages (including The Cranberry, our honeymoon suite). The evenings where we can take the time to sit back, relax and enjoy the view are just magical – especially when the sky lights up like this. Who knew Mother Nature had such bright colours in her palette – and how blessed are we that she shares them with us?