Summer Memories

Animals at The Doctor's HouseThanks, Stephen, for sharing some fun photos – and some fun summer memories – for the blog. Here’s Mel (the goat), Monty our radical changer Newfoundland pony, and our big girl in the upper left, Ginger. She’s the Belgian who joined our family this summer.

Of course, the animals will be warming themselves in our barn all winter long. But I think they’ll miss all the visits from guests – they love to put on a show! So we’ll be making sure they get lots of extra attention as the days grow colder.

Our Wonderful Team: Thank You

Our team of staff at The Doctor's HouseYou probably know that we’re closing up The Doctor’s House for the winter. We have plans to be open year round, but our business is still young, and for now, this is what’s best (and don’t worry – Christmas gift packages are still available until December 23!)

What you might not know is that we have an amazing team behind us – one of the best I’ve worked with (and I’ve worked with dozens), dedicated to sharing the beauty of the Baccalieu with as many people as possible. It truly is a calling, and a pleasure – and sometimes lots of hard work. And our team knows hard work.

So, this weekend, we celebrated – celebrated a great team, a great year, and great prospects for 2016. Thanks again to everyone who joined us, and thanks to Terrie-Lynn for sharing her photos. We can’t wait to see you all back here next Spring!

Quite the Pot of Gold

Rainbow Over Shag RockTalk about a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Shag Rock is still as inspiring and beautiful as the day we moved out here. Now, our business has grown, and so has our love of the place. Remember that our Whiteway cottages are open all winter – so there’s no reason you can’t come out and enjoy this inspiration and this beauty yourself. Our cottages are right on the ocean, overlooking Shag Rock. How sweet it is!

7 Swans a Swimming

Ducks at The Doctor's HouseOK, so maybe they’re ducks, not geese. And maybe there’s 6, not 7. But you get the picture! Hard not to get excited about Christmas when you capture scenes like this one. Of course we’re in that time of year where the weather fluctuates wildly. But even if we don’t get a White Christmas, I’ve had several mornings to witness scenes like this one already – so I’m all good!

Christmas at The Doctor’s House

Christmas decor at The Doctor's HouseYes, this is our last week open at The Doctor’s House for this winter – but that doesn’t mean we haven’t had time to get into the holiday spirit! Veona recently dining room decorated, and I love her beautiful, understated taste. We’ll be having a staff holiday party soon, and like always, I’m looking forward to it.

And of course don’t forget that we can still be part of your Christmas celebrations – with our collection of gift packages now available. They’re available for purchase right up til December 23 – learn more here, and if you’d like to purchase one yourself, please email

Ponies and Winter

Newfoundland pony and winterMornings like this one I captured a few days ago are pretty unbelievable. Even the ponies seemed awed by the beauty of freshly fallen snow. I had to get my camera to share – as the magic, miracles and marvelous was all around me.

 Clean, crisp air, snowball snow blanketing everything, no wind, the sun rising, the animals awakening, the quiet of the morning.  A blessing indeed, but a bigger one was having the senses to receive it and the sense to appreciate it.

Yes, The Doctor’s House will be closed over the winter – but that doesn’t mean it will be any less beautiful. We’re still young, and figuring out our best plan going forward. Remember that our gift certificates are available right up until December 23, and you’ll be able to use them as soon as we open in early Spring. Which will be here before you know it!Newfoundland pony and winter

Bye Bye, Barn (for now!)

Barn Loft for weddingsWe have just finished shutting down the big barn for the winter. The water’s off, the power’s off, and it is now ready (hopefully) to withstand our Newfoundland winters. It’ll be ready, good as new, for our weddings coming next Spring (The Berry’s also working on some new Corporate Retreat options, which I think will be great). It was a little bittersweet to say goodbye to this beauty – I’ll miss it over the coming months. But remember, our gift cards are available for purchase right up til December 23, so that you can easily enjoy The Doctor’s House as soon as we open back up in early spring!

Love the Legendary Coasts of Eastern NL (LCEN)

board meetingHere we are at another Annual General Meeting for Legendary Coasts of Eastern NL (LCEN). We’ve been members since we started our Ocean Delight journey, and it’s been my pleasure to sit on the board.

LCEN works with tourism operators to build a positive tourism environment and a stronger industry and economy through the region. They’ve been instrumental to helping us understand our role as tourism operators, and I highly recommend membership. You can learn more about how and why to join here.

End of the Rainbow

rainbowI took this photo on West Side Rd. in Green’s Harbour the other day. And I swear – that rainbow ends right at The Doctor’s House, which is hidden by the trees. I couldn’t have made up a better picture if I tried! Happy Sunday!